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Re: Remembering Serena

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

Thanks for that Kathie!!

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot
lose. Jim Elliot

Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill,
Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

----- Original Message ----- >
> 1. Became a Christian at 12 , a few bumps in the road but always come
> out on top 🙂
> 2. Had wonderful loving parents
> 3. My Dad died when I was 24 and Mom two years ago,
> 4. Still miss them both very much 5. Two grandmothers that had a big
> influrence on my life. (good)
> 6. The oldet of three , one brother one sister
> 7. When a little girl always wanted lots of kids
> when I grew up,
> 8. Remember two greatgrandmothers, one smelled like roses 🙂
> 9. My Mother was a foster parent and I was a foster parent for several
> years
> 10. I have six children and 3 step children
> 11 Have always taken in stray animals and stray people
> 12. Never knew how many people to cook for
> 13. Went to collage for one semester
> 14. Owned and operated a day care for several years
> 15. Worked at the highschool for several years
> a sub, in the office and library
> 16. Worked in a doctor's office for 4 years 17 A stay at home Mom until
> youngest started started to school, then
> worked at school
> 18 First husband left after 22 years of mariage, we got married at 17
> 19 Met and maried the love of my life seven years later
> 20 He is my best friend, and I am his best friend
> 21 We cut trees, sawed into lumber and built our cabin on our farm 22 We
> lived three years without power, running water or bathroom
> 23. DH built me the nicest outhouse you ever saw 🙂
> 24. We got our water from a running spring
> 25. We have a greenhouse to start our seedings
> 26. We have a cool root cellar built in the side of a hill, that you
> can walk into.
> 27. We have a rock fireplace built in the middle of the cabin. DH and
> friend build it 28. We have nice big gardens with lots of different
> veggies every year
> 29. We have bees 30. I am the smoker when robing honey. Never been stung
> 🙂
> 31. We make apple juice from our apples
> 32. We make pumpkin butter from our pumpkins ( not every year)
> 33. Make blackberry jelly from our berries , have tons of berries every
> year
> 34 Have a nice strawberry patch
> 35. Harvest walnuts from our walnut trees
> 36. Harvest syrup from our maple trees
> 37. No farm aimals now, just dogs and cats 38. Catch and eat catfish
> out of our pond and frog legs
> 39. Have lots of deer and wild turkey on land, eat both , kill in season
> and put in freezer.
> 40. Have a creek running beside and back of cabin
> 41 I love to mow
> 42 I drove the lawn mower into the creek once, held on to a small tree.
> Big dropoff. Scared Dh nealy to death.
> 43. I can drive a tractor
> 44. Can drive a boat
> 45. Can drive a four wheeler
> 46 . Learned to drive with a stright shift car
> 47, Favorite time of the year Fall and Spring
> 48, Don't like cold weather
> 50. Love the beach and ocean
> 51 Love the mountains 52. Favorite flowers, pansies
> 53. Collect old books, old quilts, old baskets
> 54 Love to go antiquing
> 55. Like to crossstich
> 57 Love to read, read ,read
> 58 Taking a Beth Moore bible study now (second one)
> 59. Love to go to gospel singings
> 60 Love and enjoy my 28 grandchildren ( four are great grands)
> 61 Spend a lot of time with family and especially litle ones
> 62. Love to travel, been to Scotland, England, Mexico, Jamacia, Grand
> Caymens and 37 states.
> 63 Meet once a month with 7 girlfriends for lunch that went to grade
> school and Highshcool together.
> 64. My best girl friend died seven years ago with breast cancer. I
> still miss her so much.
> 65. Get together with 5 cousins, my sister, two aunts, for breakfast
> once a month on the 4th Sat.
> 66. One favorite passtime is a book store or librery
> 67. I like for my house to look nice and decorated fresh and clean.
> 68. My DH loves to cook, he is very good. Cooks breakfast nearly every
> morning.
> 69. I take too many magazines and can't stand to throw away
> 70. DH and I aren't living at the farm right now, but he goes every day.
> 71. We are living in my Moms house now, until we dicide what to do with
> it.
> 72. It is way too big for the two of us. Five BR, 3
> baths, sunroom, dining room, living rooom. kitchen. den, mud room and
> garage. 73. It needs some work and paint. This is where I grew up.
> 74 Love history,,especially family history, American history and
> Tennessee history
> 75 Took piano lessons for 10 years
> 76 Took speech and drama growing up
> 77 Got a state award for FHA
> 78 All nine of our grown kids are Christians
> 79 Granddaughter that is graduating this Spring is 9th in her class of
> 360. 80. I had a brain tumor eight years ago.
> 81, Dr, told my family he was 99.9 % sure it was cancer and I might not
> be able to speak when I woke up,
> 82 There was special prayers for me where I worked, church family ,
> friends and 30 family members and more firends at the hospital durning
> surgery
> 83. No cancer and have been talking ever since I woke up. lol
> 84. GOD is so awesome and ansewered our prayers.
> 85. Doctor said as long as he had been in practice he had never been so
> wrong.
> 86. I said, "see what prayer can do". He just looked at me kind of
> strange. Don't know if he was a Christian or not. I should have asked.
> 87 I really appriciate all you "sisters" on this list.
> 88 Did I say I like to read and travel ?
> 89 Don't know where next trip will be.
> 90.I love listening to the funny things my litttle kids say. They sure
> can crack me up.
> 91 DH is one of the best Grandddads I have ever seen.
> 92. We have four wonderful sons and they are all good to us.
> 93 We have five wonderful daughters and they are all good to us.
> 94 I am going to have surgery on my knees in the next year. 🙁
> 95 DH is going to have knee surgery in the next year also.
> 96, Getting old is not for sissies. 97. I still have my own teeth and only
> need reading glasses looking in
> the phone book
> 98 I am already tired of the 2008 election
> 99 I need to get my sewing machine fixed
> 100 Looking forward to Spring weather already
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