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Re: Rhubarb and Peonies

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


The rhubarb and the peonies shouldn't be planted here in MN except in the
Spring. The rhubarb likes well drained soil and full sunlight. The peonies
should do well just about anywhere you would like to plant but they should
not be in full shade if you want them to bloom. They too like alot of
sunlight. If you parents are needing to move them now, here's what I'd do.
On the rhubarb you should still be safe but not for long. You will need to
water it, water it, water it. You don't want it to rot but you do want it to
keep from getting limp. Even if the leaves die off, mulch very well with
old hay or straw...cover it really well before the deep freeze hits and it
should come back in the spring. They are pretty hardy in colder climates.
I planted some here last year and got them in the ground mid-June, almost
all of them came back. If it's a big plant they are transplanting split it
up when you transplant. For good health they need to be thinned and it will
give you a greater chance that one of more of the plants will make it.

Regarding moving the peonies right now, mine have already bloomed out. When
the greenery dies back that is the best time to move them if not in the
Spring. Once again, the mulching, cover well to try and protect them from
freezing and they should make it. I will tell you that goats love
peonies....will nip them right down to the ground...I know....I was left
with one bloom this year!...Deanna