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Re: Rose/Lisa/Goats

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

. We are former yuppies from Seattle that have been doing the homestead
life for about 7 years. I used to be a suit wearing, high heal clicking gal
that sent my children to daycare while I worked at a stock brokerage firm.
Now, I'm a jumper wearin', goat milkin', wool spinnin', homeschoolin' mom
and I love it!....Deanna

I didn't know this about you!!!!!! I too, used to be a heel wearing,
administrative manager, sports car driving, day care kids, mom and now, I
homeschool, garden, can, cook, cook, cook, and nurse a two year old
baby!!!!!!!!! THe good Lord got hold of me and literally changed me in a
moment!!!!!!! How wonderful He is!

Dana (Mike's wife, Chris, Sam and Caleb's Mom)
"Let your home be your parish, your little brood your congregation, your
living room a sanctuary, and your knee a sacred altar." Billy Graham