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Re: Seasons

Posted by: thelambs <thelambs@...>

Cindy , how beautiful. I too am in the autumn years and felt all those things. I am thankful we know Him intimatley and can get direction for our lives. Being in the autumn part of my life  I needed to learn patience and wait on Him, which sometimes I felt He took to long to answer and I'd be too old to do anything. Not so He does know what He is doing. Praise God.
I would like to copy this for my six children as they are getting up there. Two in there 40's and having a hard time with it and one to be 40 next year. The rest coming along later.
His hands and feet
Bonnie from Maine
----- Original Message -----
From: <a href="">Cindy in Wisconsin
To: <a href="">Very Important Friends
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:43 PM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Seasons
Hi, all you sisters!  I have been heavy-hearted this weekend as "empty nest syndrome" has registered.  I feel like a ship that has slipped its moorings and is drifting aimlessly.  All those things that were so much a part of my life for so many years are gone.  My children have grown and left home (26 years of that). I am no longer homeschooling (16 years of that).  We have downsized our hobby farm to the point that it barely resembles one at all any more.  I cannot say I am a fulltime homemaker any more, since I have been working fulltime as of May 2000 (24 years of that). I haven't sewed or done any quilting or cross-stitch or any of the other crafts I used to enjoy doing so much for several years now.  I am no longer involved in 4-H or even actively involved in our church fellowship, which has something I was always active in for years.  It feels very strange!  So last night and this morning I allowed myself to grieve for the passing of the "summer" season of my life.  Then this morning in church during our praise & worship time the Lord reminded me that tomorrow is the beginning of autumn and that this is also the beginning of the "autumn" season of my life.  Now you have to understand that I have loved autumn ever since I was a very little girl and have been collecting the gorgeous colored leaves nearly every fall.  I even found a couple of them this morning that I'd pressed and lost under some papers on my desk from last year!  So in my mind's eye, I have this picture of a beautiful, glowing maple tree in full orange, yellow, & red color.  I still don't know just what direction my life is to take in the days and years ahead, but I know that I want my life to be like that beautiful maple tree, giving glory to God.  May I always glow with the life of His Spirit.  May I always lift my hands in praise to Him, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.  And He graciously reminded me that I am STILL a Christian woman, wife, mother--and now even a grandmother!  As He has cared for me through the spring and summer seasons of my life, I can trust Him with this autumn season, too.  He is fully aware of the gifts and talents He's given me and He has a plan, a purpose for me that will use those gifts & talents for His glory. So I know that I need to look forward; as His Word says, Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19  And so I sit, waiting, at His feet for His direction for my life and realizing that having this means to share with you is perhaps one of those new things He has brought into my life.  So I say with Paul, "but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14  May you also be encouraged in whatever season of life you are in to continue to look to the Creator and Sustainer of all things, knowing that He doeth all things well.  Take care and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Love in Christ,
Cindy in Wisconsin