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Re: sheep for wool

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

Hi Pat,

Shetland sheep will shed their wool if not sheared in early spring. In fact one
of the ways of harvesting their wool is just to pluck it off. Perhaps a search
on shetland sheep would be helpful, they could be the sheep for you.

----- Original Message -----
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] sheep for wool

For the last two years I have not had sheep on our place and I miss them for a
couple of reasons. One I love to
have my own wool and two I just love them. But in the past it has always been
difficult to get someone to come
out and sheer them for me. I have tried myself but end up with way too many
second cuts for a nice fleece.
Has anyone here on the list just let the wool go until it can be plucked like
they do in some places in Europe ?
All my spinning friends that have sheep have many, so that they can get a
someone to come to their place and
sheer professionally. But we are not close to any of these other farms and
since we never have more than a
couple sheep, the sheerers will not come out.
Clippers are an expensive investment for someone like me, who doesn't know how
to do it right. I clip goats
for goat shows but not sheep .
