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Re: Sheep with eye boo boo

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


It could be a poke from the pygmy but most likely it's a piece of hay that
damaged the eye. Do you have stiff stems in your hay? If you don't see
anything actually embedded in the eye there's really not alot a vet can do
other than prescribe antibiotics. Sometimes if it's a piece of straw it
will work it's way out but the eye might look a mess for a week or two. You
are doing well to put the terramyacin in the eye, however, there are two
other eye antibiotics that a vet can prescribe. They are inexpensive, about
$6 per tube. We had a horse that had a similar scenario as yours. We found
out the best and quickest way was to use all three antibiotics. If it is an
eye infection, which it could be, there are several different
kinds....hence...several different eye antibiotics. The other thing you can
do until you can get an antibiotic (and I'd do it anyway with the
antibiotics). Boil some regular Lipton Tea Bags. Steep the tea strong.
When you go out to do the antibiotics (by the need to do that 3
times a day) Bathe the eye with the tea, the tannic acid in the tea has
been known to heal eye infections all by itself. It's regularly used as an
eye treatment on kittens and small puppies that are too young to be treated.
I seem to be very susceptible to people with eye infections. All they have
to do is walk by me and I seem to get it. I have found that if I've been
around a person with an eye infection that if I'll sit for a while with some
warm tea bags on my eyes, I no longer get the infections. Hope this