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Re: Tatting....

Posted by: QuiverFullFamily <QuiverFullFamily@...>

Um, can some one please explain to this wanna be homesteader what "tat" is?
TIA ..... God bless,

> wrote:
>Does anyone on the list know how to tat? Someone gave me a shuttle (I
>think that is what they are called. While going through some of my books the
>other day, I found instructions on learning to tat. It has pictures and
>step by step directions, so that is what I am going to do..... teach
>myself...... wish me luck!!!!!
> Oh, Angie, I like our "new home".... Thanks!!!!
> Clara
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Patricks Rib/Helpmate, happy stay & play at home mommy of 5 bright arrows & vessel for Gods' newest creation (Riz #6)

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