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Re: Thank you Marci!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Thank you for the encouraging words. Last night I went to our old home
fellowship church and had a great time. For those of you that were on CSRL,
this is a home church made up of CSRL people and it's great when it meets.
We attend it as well as the church we attend in Duluth. Unfortunately just
was we were getting ready to break up I was suddenly hit with hubbies flu.
That's so embarassing when you're at someone elses house. I feel awful this
morning. I have all these plants to plant and all I want to do is lay
down and occasionally check my email.

Speaking of plants....guys I haven't forgotten about your lilacs, I've just
not been able to get out there and dig them. Hopefully this week....Deanna