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Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

We have seen Casting Crowns in concert a few times, and they are always AWESOME! So glad you were able to go, Heather.
We are still having rain as our monsoon season started late this year. Our countryside is very green. Trees and bushes have grown a lot in August. and it's getting into the 40s for lows and less than 80 for highs. I think our high this Thursday is going to be just 68. I'm not ready to be done swimming in our backyard or going to the lake! I need to start changing out my hot weather clothes for long sleeves and jackets. It will be September before we turn around 🙂
Have a great week!
Lisa NM

On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 5:13 AM, <> wrote:

"We were made to thrive!"  Nine of us went to see

Casting Crowns at our local fair last night. What

an experience!  I have never attended a worship

concert like this...ever!   They are a great

message band anyway!

Kathie, glad to have an inside scoop across the

country about the wildfires. Many are still

effected but glad to hear how much is being saved.

Bonnie, waiting for cooler weather to can here too.

More chickens coming this week. They will be ready

for the scanner by October.

Did you know the greeting goodbye originally came

from the 1500's meaning God be with ye (you)?

Imagine if we all went back to that when we parted.


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