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Re: Tomatoes - Help!!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


Blossom end rot starts out gray then turns to brown and then to yuck. Sort
of rots the tomato from the inside out. Now, if it doesn't seem rotted
that's another story. I remember a few years ago getting tomatoes from the
Amish farms that had brown spots...big ones..the size of nickels or so. It
was a disease and every place there was a spot it was a hard spot in the
tomato. The only thing the tomatoes were good for was sauce and I just
pureed the tomatoes....the hard spots were so hard they wouldn't puree and
I'd scoop them out of the food processor and throw them away. The Amish
couldn't sell them and they were going bad so they just started giving them
to anyone that would take them. Looking back I'm not sure it was worth all
the work even if it was free food....Deanna