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Re: Update at Daisy Patch Farm October 2 2013

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

Busy as usual, Suzi!!  🙂  You need to clone yourself. 
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----

Well here it is 8 o'clock and I'm just getting around to this.  Sorry about that. 

My morning started early, Bill called, I had several business calls to make for Neighbor M.and things to gather to return or mail.

Was in the process of cleaning the kitchen, when Amy called.  She isn't feeling well and the doctor is concerned about her lab work for her kidneys.  She slept most of the day.

After that, George (92)(our former landlord in town) called and asked me to be a character witness for him in court at 1:30 today, so I hurried up and got ready to be there early, stopped at Neighbor Mayleen's to feed and water cat, kittens and cattle, picked up her grocery list and mail to post and headed to town.  Got upstairs and he showed me papers to see which courtroom since I couldn't find him on the docket, it is for tomorrow.  Will still be there early, would like to meet his attorney.  Think they are after his license because of age, but I rode with him and followed him in my car and he drives fine.  He bought me lunch at Wendy's and talked about his sweetheart and how he fell in love with her at first sight.  Then went to their house and I helped him clean up a little, got his papers in order and marked the calendar for his court date and his doctor appointments.  Talked to me about helping him get the house in order and told him I would as I could.  Only wants 2 days a week for 2-3 hours if and when he can bring Jeanne (87) home from the nursing home.  I've been there for them for 14 years, so won't stop now.

Left there and headed to the post office, 2 grocery stores, and then home, checking on Amy several times as I could.
Took Neighbor M's groceries in, made us a cup of coffee and sat and chatted for awhile sharing my day out and her's in.  She had the soup I made yesterday for her midday meal.  By this time it's after 4--washed our cups and headed for the house.

The weather has turned cold so decided on tuna salad sandwich for supper rather than turning the heat off to warm something.  Was feeding the dogs and cats when Bill called to tell me they were through for the day.  Called me later when he got back to the motel, but his roommate showed up with hot wings, so he will call when ready for bed.  I want to get some of tomorrow's work done tonight and will try to finish early 4am in the morning.  We are expecting rain and lots more snow between tomorrow and the weekend, so need to make sure everything is done and ready.  Have to do laundry and find Neighbor M's tax papers (hope none are in the old house).

It's getting late so need to go, will try to write in the morning.  Keeping everyone in my prayers and reading your posts as I can.

Love and hugs,

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