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Re: Verses

Posted by: Naanra <Naanra@...>

Okay, this isn't necessarily just for women, but this is the passage my
family have stood on during times of trouble--

O my afflicted people, tempest tossed and troubled, I will rebuild you on a
foundation of sapphires, and make the walls of your houses from precious
jewels. I will make your towers of sparkling agate, and your gates and walls
of shining gems. And all your citizens shall be taught by me, and their
prosperity shall be great. You will live under a government that is just and
fair. Your enemies will stay far away, you will live in peace. Terror shall
not come near. If any nation comes to fight you, it will not be sent by me
to punish you. Therefore it will be routed, for I am on your side. I have
created the smith who blows the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons
of destruction. And I have created the armies that destroy. But in that
coming day, no weapon turned against you shall succeed, and you will have
justice against every courtroom lie. This is the heritage of the servants of
the Lord. This is the blessing I have given you, says the Lord.

Isaiah 54: 11-17

This has given us strength during a church "takeover" and when my husband
lost his job after 23 years and was then blacklisted by a vindictive human
resource person.

Nancy in OK