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Re: Virus Beware

Posted by: stampinbookworm <stampinbookworm@...>

Yes it says take a look to the attatchment. Also I agree, do not shut down
your system but do this, reboot and go into safe mode by hitting F5
repeatedly until it goes in there, then delete the virus both from windows
and use Dos if you need to. If you need or want more info...I will be able
to help you. I just got it off my system a week ago and it was from the
unschooling-dotcom emailing list that I got it from.

Vaughnde Lee
Missoula, Montana

-----Original Message-----
From: The Smarts <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2001 8:12 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Virus Beware

Hi Everyone,

I noticed someone pointed out that we need to be careful of viruses when
opening attachments. I want to share something that happen to me just last
I recieved an email, from what looked like a group I belong to. It had a
copy of my message, along with the added phrase, take a look at the file(or
something like it). The topic we had been discussing was registration for
llamas, and it looked legit. Well it wasn't! It was a trojan virus.
Luckily the group moderator picked up that it was coming through, disguised
as from the list, and warned everyone. It was too late for me but I was
able to identify the invected files and delete them. One thing I learned
the first time a virus crashed our system was, if you suspect you have a
virus, never, never shut down your system. That often activates them or
erases files that make it impossible for you to load back up and get your
system cleaned. Personally I will never open an attachment again without
first expecting it, and second confirming that the person in question sent
it if I wasn't expecting it. I hope this is helpful to someone.

Nature Wood Farm
Colored Angoras, Purebred Toggenburgs,
Llamas, Olde English Southdown Sheep