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Re: Weather and Anna

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

We are still hoping for more rain in California.  Today we are enjoying gorgeous sunny weather.  It is late afternoon and 76 degrees in the house with the doors open.  73 degrees outside.  Picked a big bouquet of daffodils.  Your turn will come for warmer weather and spring delights.
I’m glad your visit went well.  Still praying that everyone involved will have discernment.
Praying for you too, Marci!   Hugs!
From: <a href="">P McCammon
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 1:37 PM
To: <a href="">
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Weather and Anna
Oh my goodness, we have such strong winds!  It is suppose to get ever colder down to 0 and snow some more.  I would actually like a good snow.
What is the weather where you ladies are at?

Bonnie, we haven't heard from you lately.  How are you doing?

We had Anna and her parents and caregiver over today.  Anna hung around Willow the whole time.  They played cards and chatted and played more games.  As I mentioned Anna was Willow's crib mate and protector in the orphanage.  She is the dominate one so we will have to watch this.  As we expected she was very well behaved and it will take a few times to see her true behavior but the mother and caregiver were very frank with me.  I asked them if Anna was ever tested for any neurological issues.  They it was funny I mentioned it as the physicians in China mentioned she may have some.  She has poor speech at times, shakes sometimes and a few other key symptoms.  I had her read some and I thought she did well.  She wanted to stay the night but they hadn't brought anything.  The mother was crying she feels so guilty and like she has failed.  Please pray we make the decesion that is in the Lords will. 

Bless you all.  And Marci if you peek on here I am praying for you!

In Him,

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