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Re: weather and Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

I plan on staying home today.  The snow still is coming down here and there.  I am not sure how much snow we ended up with, but at least 3".  It is the kind that sticks to everything and makes it look like a Winter Wonderland. 
Hope your honey gets some time off to spend with y'all.  It is good he can just move his vacation time.  It is also good you have an "insider" to help with your internet.  🙂 
Praying for your girls as they study!! 

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----

> Yes Heather, Albuquerque was hit pretty hard too....lots of people without
> electricity. Dh got to come home about 4 yesterday afternoon which was nice.
> If they finish getting everything repaired today, he should be home late
> this afternoon or early evening and be off tomorrow. He didn't get a week of
> vacation this week like he planned, but he can take it another week when the
> weather is better. The sun shone here yesterday and is shining again today.
> A very welcome sight after days of fog, ice, and low temps.
> I have a busy day today preparing for tomorrow. The girls will be doing GED
> math exam prep at home since there are no classes. They will continue
> working here every day except tomorrow. I have scheduled their exams for
> December 4. This test has a lot of algebra word problems, geometry, and
> other harder math. I'm pretty sure I couldn't pass it. They will keep
> attempting to pass until the December 20 deadline.
> We had to have our internet modem replaced yesterday. We couldn't get our
> internet to work no matter how many times we rebooted everything. The only
> place in our town offering free wi-fi is the library, but their hours are
> very limited. Yesterday morning, I asked dh to call a former co-worker who
> nows works for the phone/internet company. Thankfully, he came to the house
> before noon and brought a new modem he had programmed for us. The girls have
> to use the internet to prepare for their test, so getting it fixed was
> awesome.
> I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow!
> Lisa NM

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