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Re: what has everyone been doing??

Posted by: gladheart <gladheart@...>

Hi Debra~

How good to hear from you again! :o) I am sorry for the trials you are
undergoing but glad to hear how you are resting in our Father's love and
keeping busy.

For us, the girls and I picked *alot* of wild herbs yesterday to dry to
infuse into salves. The weather has been sooo nice and sunny but today it is
a rainy indoor day. Right now I am "rendering" beeswax to make lotion bars
later this afternoon, bake bread and I *really* am going to sew... lately I
have been putting off my sewing, but am needing to make a nursing nightgown
before the baby is born. We will be bottling honey to sell at the AK State
Fair next week and I am trying to get soaps ready to sell there also. I have
gotten everything ready for the birth of baby but still have some projects
(painting!!!) to do before my parents visit us in mid-Sept. I also have been
crocheting washclothes when I sit down to rest my feet. :o)

Have you gotten Angoras yet? We found a breeder right here in our local area
and are "planning" on buying a breeding pair in early Oct. Our meat chickens
are ready to butcher and we are culling our layers tomorrow and buying RIR
pullets. Also we will be trying to sell our Nubian buck kid. :o/

We have gotten 10 gallons of honey from our hives so far and are praying for
at least another 5 gals. And we are eating fresh strawberries from our beds
daily...yum. :o)

I guess that's about all...God is so good. :o)))

Gladheart Acres
Palmer Alaska