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Re: Women & Headcoverings

Posted by: imhiz4eva <imhiz4eva@...>

Hello ladies!
I guess I will reply to all the subgects under this heading LOL. We have our first real garden this year...we are calling it our learning garden. Which loosely means, I guess that we haven't gotten very much from it (laughing)! We have gotten summer squash, beans, radishes, lettuce, carrots and beets though. We are waiting for our corn ...and I just planted a couple weeks ago sunflowers which I am anxiously awaiting! Did you guys know that when you plant sunflowers they come out of the ground with the shells still on??!! I was totally amazed!!!!!!
As to curriculum, we have used a few different things. We really enjoyed Sonlight when we used that. Last year we went with a more relaxed method with a mish mash of several things. My kids love stuff like Wordly Wise, LLATL, Explode the Code.....this year we are doing something completely new though. Here in PA they have started a cyber charter school. It is paid for through the same method as the public schools and they keep all the records for you also. I am not sure how well this will work for our family, but we are giving it a shot...even just to make it so there is another option for homeschoolers out there. This particular one has as one of their heads a very strong christian couple with 7 children...all homeschooled. And I know of already 2 of the teachers, both homeschool evaluators. So, I am very excited to see what happens. It is a matter of much prayer though as the school districts are having a cow about having to cough up money.
As to the shaving issue...I shave underarms but not legs..I have to admit though that I have very light hair on legs and never have had to. LOL sorry!
Now, for the headcovering issue...I hesitate to answer because these topics tend to get a bit heated...but since the question was put out there..I trust I may answer. I wear a headcovering..have worn one full time for about 2 years now. I was not raised in this way, I started studying about it about 3 years ago. God really put it on my heart, and it has changed my life. That said, you will not find many scriptures regarding a covering. There are a couple references to the veiling of a woman in the OT...when , um, I think ...oh dear Isaac's wife was chosen and she saw him from a way off..she veiled herself. Then there is a reference that when a wife was accused of adultery she was brought before the priest..if found guilty he unveiled her (leading you to believe that the women were normally veiled). My rabbi has told me that the traditional veiling at that time was a veil covering the face , not the head. But then again my rabbi does not teach on the covering so he is coming from the perspective that it is not necessary. I prayed much and read many, many teachings and testimonies on this subgect...but what it HAD to come down to is what was Father asking ME to do? If you would like, I know of several teachings and good sites on the web about this subgect and if you would like to e-mail privately, I welcome that also.
Have a great day all!
The Smarts <> wrote: Hi Ladies,

We have been discussing women and headcoverings at my fellowship for a
while. For those of you who have perhaps studied this in detail, other than
Corinthians, what scriptures discuss headcoverings and women?
Jacqui Smart

Naturewood Farm & Fiber
White & Colored Angoras, Purebred Toggenburgs,
Llamas, Olde English Southdown Sheep

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