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Re: [Idea-Central] "Raggedy Undies"

Posted by: vmwusa_2000 <vmwusa_2000@...>

Good morning, Dave and Barbara,
I wish to sincerely thank you for this story.
Though it has the potential of being taken as only humorous, it was just what I
personally needed in order to make a sacrifice that has long been challenging
me. I am not yet strong enough to reveal to you what that sacrifice consisted
of, but I'm delighted to do something in a few seconds which I had pondered over
for months and months and months.
My sincerest thank you for your work and especially for "Raggedy Undies".
-Vincent Wright
Writer & Independent Recruitment Consultant

From The Desk Of Dave and Barbara wrote:

> One morning I was searching through my undie drawer. It was very early and I
> didn't want to turn the light on and wake my sleeping hubby, so I searched
> in the dark. There seemed to be just enough light shining from under the
> bathroom door to help me see the difference between my old raggedy undies
> and my new ones. I grabbed a pair that looked and felt new and in good shape
> and off I went to take my shower.
> Now, I realize that probably none of you reading this, have to worry about
> rummaging through your undie drawers for the "good ones"....and I'm sure
> that you throw yours away when they are all raggedy, but not this girl! For
> some reason, I keep them aside in case there's an no
> electricity and therefore no washing machine! lol
> I can't believe I am telling you about this, but it's helped me to
> understand a few things, and I pray that it might help someone else who may
> be reading this...
> Over the past year, God has answered a lot of my questions with beautiful
> little "picture stories". I never really had a name for these little
> treasures until I read an article that a friend wrote in which she described
> them so perfectly. Thanks, Hannah!
> Sometimes, God answers our questions by "showing" us in "the little things"
> that happen in our life. And now, I'd like to share with you just what He
> "showed" me that morning in the wee hours of the morning....
> When I had finished my shower and was about to get dressed, I reached for my
> undies and was totally shocked and amazed!!! I was holding a pair of my
> worst undies!!!
> And then my little picture story began..
> A few days before, I had been wondering why some of my family and friends
> couldn't see that it wasn't good to be doing the things that the world was
> doing. They kept telling me that not everyone agrees with me on what is
> bad....what I might think may be bad, someone else may not.
> I just couldn't understand this. It doesn't matter what "I" think, or what
> anyone else may think, if God says it is wrong....then it's WRONG!!!
> So, here I stood looking down at my raggedy undies. The ones that when I had
> looked at them in the dark, they looked just fine! When I held them in the
> dark, they seemed to shine because they were so white and there wasn't any
> ragged edges, they looked GREAT! But oh, in the light, as I looked down at
> them, they took on a whole different appearance, all of a sudden, they
> looked awful, dingy, raggedy and I couldn't wait to get rid of them!
> And hence came my answer....
> When we are living in the "dark", everything looks fine and we can't see
> anything wrong with the things that we are doing.
> But....
> When we bring those things into God's "light" and Holiness, then they take
> on a whole different appearance. In His light where we can finally "see" the
> truth of what we have been looking at, we become ashamed and can't believe
> that we held on to these so tightly.
> Because we can't always "see" these things (sins), we need to ask God to
> show us anything in our lives that is not pleasing to Him. If we will ask
> Him, He will show us.
> Have you asked Him to "show" you what's not pleasing to Him in your life?
> Please ask Him, He is a loving God and He will not turn away from a humble
> heart. He will help you to "see" and then to "fix" it. He won't leave you
> alone to do it by yourself. If you seek to please Him, He will help you! He
> loves you and wants what is best for you. He wants so much to bless you, but
> can only do that if we are willing to obey Him...
> So, come on....join the "Raggedy Undies" Club today and let's all start
> cleaning out those old and raggedy "undies" and replace them with some good,
> clean, new ones!
> Have a Blessed Day
> Dave and Barbara
> --
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