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Re: Johanna/math

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

My son hated Saxon too. My daughter thrived on it. We ended trying many
different math programs. K-3 we did Scott Forsman (Sonlight sells it) he
has them completed by the beginning of 2nd grade. During his second grade
year we tried Making Math Meaningful. He loved it, I hated it...very
teacher intensive. I now wish I'd stuck with it. We then switched to
Making Math Meaningful and stayed with that through the Intermediate level.
Now we are using Jacobs Algebra. Son is doing the shorter plan, daughter is
doing the 3 semester plan (all of them are laid out in the book) and she'll
be doing Alg her 8th grade year. My son has liked Jacobs and I'm thankful
to have something he likes and understands. We'll finish up with Foresters

Looking back I wish I'd just stuck with one math program through grade
school. Should God allow us to have anymore children, I'd pick one and
stick with it....Deanna