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RE: [MUSIC] Nashville Numbering (REPLY)

Posted by: thebrumleys <thebrumleys@...>

> G: Imaj7 Eb: V7 Imaj7 IVmaj7

>Doesn't that then tie you back to a specific key (loosing
>some of the value of the system?). Did you see any
>generic approaches in your college class?

Yeah, but eventually you ARE supposed to be playing the actual music
involved - yes, even in a theory class. But you're right- using Schenkerian
analysis you can break the entire piece down into much simpler forms. The
problems with over-genericizing is that the key centers you're transitioning
from may not be related whatsoever, or at least not in any recognizable
pattern. For the sake of transposition, notating them relationally would
make things easier, that's true.

THAT was confusing...
