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Re: "Non-human" PCs

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Stephen writes:

> There are two basic solutions for maintaining those first two

> 1. Elves, dwarves, etc. are actually the same
> 'species' as humans. They somehow diverged into
> different 'subspecies' in EdenAgain's history, maybe
> by something LIKE the tower of Babel, maybe by other
> means. Therefore, the Overlord's substitution for
> humans would apply to them because they are of the
> same species.

> 2. Elves, dwarves, etc. are NOT the same 'species' as
> humans, and therefore, when the Overlord substituted
> for humans, it didn't apply to them. This can lead to
> several possible story lines, which I won't write
> about here because it is off-topic.
> So, if we are trying to teach substitution as part
> of the Gospel, and we want the players to participate
> in that idea, then the only way we can include
> "non-human" PCs is to do option 1. Otherwise, they
> won't have the connection to the substitution of the
> OverLord that is essential for gameplay.
> Like you, I like the fun of having "non-human" PCs.
> That's why I have them played as different
> 'subspecies' of humans.

Then there is the thought that the OverLord's sacrifice was more than
sufficient for the salvation of humans alone and actually covers all
possible races of people throughout the universe. So it would not matter
if dwarves were human or not.
