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Re: open .rsrc file

Posted by: tatewake <tatewake@...>

>Proposed behavior: FB parses the RESOURCES statement and _immediately_
>tells me that it can't access the .rsrc file, and does not attempt to
>compile any further. I slap my forehead, then go to ResEdit and close
>the file. I then to a "Build" again in FB. Five minutes later, I have
>a compiled program. Total time spent: A bit over 5 minutes.

Or even better; FB comes up with a non-modal window that informs you that
your resource file is in use, and gives you two options: Continue, Stop. At
that point you switch to resedit, close the resource, go back to FB, hit
"Continue", and FB goes ahead and tries to get the resource file again...

Simple, no?

-- Terence Jordan (
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