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Re: Any ideas


Dear Brothers,
Motherhood is not being endangered, it has been perverted by the Ahab and Jezebel Spirit in the home and church, as so many have given lip service to Loving Him from the heart. D.C. Griffin
----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan Hicks
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:05 AM
Subject: [PastorMail] Any ideas

In "The Call to Motherhood" Samuele Bacchiocchi says
motherhood is being endangerd by:

1. ungrateful husbands
2. economic necessity
3. professional satisfacion

I would like to use this on mother's day. I have some
ideas but would like your input on some more
scriptures or thoughts that would help us combat these

Bryan Hicks
Church of God
Tye, Texas

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