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Re: Church fundraiser

Posted by: warrenm <warrenm@...>

Brother, I did some research on this passage and it is my understanding and
conviction that Jesus Christ was angry at the price gouging that was going
on and the intent of those merchants to take advantage of people in need.
I'll try to send along an attachment that has some info about this in it.

In all things if Jesus is being exalted then chances are you are headed
right, otherwise you need to make adjustments.

----- Original Message -----
From: Adendorff, Ben <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 3:18 AM
Subject: [PastorMail] Church fundraiser

> Greetings brothers, I pray you are all in good spirit. My name is Ben
> Adendorff and I am a Local preacher in the Methodist church of South
> Could you please advise me on the following issue.
> Our church are having a social gathering next weekend where we want to
> funds in the form of a typical South African barbeque. During the
> there will also be a band present that will play secular music. One of our
> members has approached me claiming that the fundraiser is not scriptural
> against the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Argument is based on the
> following scriptures:
> Matthew 21:12-13
> Isaiah 56:7
> If the members of the body of Christ give according to the will of God
> it will not be necessary to have fund raisers since there will be enough
> funds to provide for the house of the Lord. The present giving of the
> members of the church does not match their blessings. Hence the
> for fundraisers. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
> "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
> Also if Christians get together in the name of the Lord it should be in
> prayer and fellowship instead of socially. The members of this body do not
> respond to calls for time of intercession or prayer vigils. The response
> the men's and woman's ministry is also very poor. That includes the
> eldership and leadership. However, for a social event like this most
> of the body will respond.
> When the Lord refers to the temple of God in Matthew 21, does this include
> the church only or does it also include the church grounds. If it includes
> the church grounds as well then all activities taking place should be to
> bring glory to God and this social event should not be held on the church
> grounds. What's more, playing secular music does not bring glory to God.
> Furthermore, the need to have fundraisers is a form of greed since the
> members prefer to hold on to their money instead of giving according to
> will of God.
> All of the above mentioned arguments makes sense to me and therefore I am
> going to support this person, However, this will no go down well with some
> of the eldership or leadership. I will appreciate some advise from you
> before I approach our minister or the leadership.
> God's blessings
> Ben Adendorff
> --
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