Re: counselling and supporting the divorved and remarriaged
Quote from Forum Archives on April 23, 2002, 7:29 pmPosted by: URIAHLIVES <URIAHLIVES@...>
Brother Andy.The greatest difficulty for divorced and remarried is the roles that are taken contrary to scripture. If the partners are truly commited to the Lord and their walk is one of honring the Word and God's positioning of the partners there will be much much less difficulty. In the past two decades, the spirit of the world has entered into much of the counsel that re-marrieds are getting from the church. Alot of it dis-honors the Word and in this dishonor there is little for the Holy Sprit to work with as the Holy Sprit has no obligation to honor self serving wordly princips. Men who are afraid to take the role of spritual head, women that are too willing to do just that , and then there is a role reversal all ready. Triangulation occurs too often with mom siding with children and step-pop not wanting to step on toes..the striving begins. Those that know humility before the Lord will know humility before there partner in life. Selfishness is the cause of all divorce, hopefulness is the cause of all re-marriages. If the Word and it's dictation are not the foundation of counsel, hell truly can and will break out. The enemy hates marraige because it is a blessing and honors God the Father. Ephesians 4:30-31 is a good place ot have partners memorze.Americans have been cheated out of the "rest of the story" in the manner in which the Gospel is preached. The part where we are "crucified with Christ" is oftne not understood. There are alot of very active "dead bodies" out thre is Christiandome. Many are following Him for the fishes and loaves. It should be made clear to all "partners" that if they cannot honor their mates they cannot honor their God. There is no special Gospel for the "blended" family, but a special "Gospel" is often being presented with disaterous results. The husband is the head of the women, she is to assit the husband in rearing the children. For moms who have been single a long time, this becaomes a source of strife and contention. Many "blended" families are attempting to function within the boundaries of the Word, except were disipline for the children are concerned. To keep the peace, many a step dads have allowed this to go on, ecxcept that the moms have been disiplining out of their wounded heart and not from the Word being lead by the Holy Sprits instructions. Positions must be honored, humility must be present and Godly counsel must be just that, Godly, based on the word of God only. Your comments are welcome, I hope these insights have been helpful, if not at least thought provoking. D.C. Griffin----- Original Message -----From: Andy BeresfordSent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:27 PMSubject: [PastorMail] counselling and supporting the divorved and remarriagedDear Brothers, I seek your assistance with how you
counsel and encourage/support those who are divorced
and remarried within your Churches. This is for a
project on relationships concerning practical matters
and theological outworking of scripture.
Your Brother in Christ
Andy Beresford=====
Thankyou and may the Lord always bless your house, Joyinlife 2__________________________________________________
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----- Original Message -----From: Andy BeresfordSent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:27 PMSubject: [PastorMail] counselling and supporting the divorved and remarriagedDear Brothers, I seek your assistance with how you
counsel and encourage/support those who are divorced
and remarried within your Churches. This is for a
project on relationships concerning practical matters
and theological outworking of scripture.
Your Brother in Christ
Andy Beresford=====
Thankyou and may the Lord always bless your house, Joyinlife 2__________________________________________________
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