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Re: Don't Rain On The Parade

Posted by: morj <morj@...>

A hearty AMEN to Gregg's comments and a heartfelt THANKS to Pasror Jack!
-----Original Message-----
From: T. Gregory Long <>
To: Pastor Mail <>
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: [PastorMail] Don't Rain On The Parade

Hi Brothers in Ministry!
I have been sitting back watching several debates lately on pastormail.  Pastor Jack Peters has offered a very special service and the ones who work close with him are doing a good job as well!
I too am tired of the abuse but it does not mean that I am going to unsubscribe.  What I would like to do and what I simply do is use the "delete" button when someone abuses this ministry.  I am not going to let anyone "rain on the parade" and keep me from receiving a blessing or sharing a blessing with someone else.  Maybe if we ignore such subjects that are controversial; those who have the wrong motives will leave and the "Parade" will go on!
I encourage each of you.. Don't Quit!  This is a trick of Satan... Pray for anyone who likes to "throw mud" or offend others!  Remember what the Apostle Paul taught the church at Colosse... To stand strong... don't give to the Greek Philosophy of gnosticism and don't give in to the jewish Pharisees... but serve Christ.. know that he alone is the focus of our faith.. and share his word!!  and don't forget.. SIMPLY USE THE DELETE BUTTON...IT IS THERE FOR A PURPOSE!
May God bless each of you and lets share some GOOD NEWS!
pastor Greg Long
Lumberton, NC