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RE: Installation Service

Posted by: dwarner <dwarner@...>

-----Original Message-----
From: James McCullen []
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: [PastorMail] Installation Service


I have a friend who has been asked to lead a Pastor
Installation Service in a Baptist Church. He would like
some idea. Do any of you have such a file?

Suggested service for

The head deacon could begin with making reference to --Numbers 27:16,17.

Then, acknowledge that God has sent (Your) Baptist Church a new pastor, and
then read Jeremiah 3:15. (Noting that verse 11 begins with "And the LORD

All these Scripture passages could be used and divided among the Deacons or
several of the men, but certainly you will want to use the ones with the *.

(They are in no particular order)
Acts 20:28
1 Timothy 4:1-16
*1 Timothy 3:1-7
*1 Peter 5:1-4
Titus 1:5-9

The Deacon Chairman should charge the Pastor to feed and lead the people of
God as a good shepherd would care for his sheep, following the example of
the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, who cares for His sheep.

He should also charge the Pastor to preach the whole counsel of God so
unbelievers might be saved and the church edified. [If a Bible is to be
presented, this would take place here, and should be one of the new pastor's
choosing as he will likely use it for his pulpit Bible] (I like this, as it
gives the pastor THE BOOK that the church wants to be use to guide him and
the church)

The congregation should also be charged to respect, honor, and follow the
Pastor God has given them, to uphold him daily in prayer, etc. (See your
church covenant). Challenge the church to work with the pastor to make
(YOUR) Baptist Church an even greater light in the community.

Some special music might be sung by the congregation or individuals
Different representatives for various areas of church could welcome the new
pastor (i.e. deacons, trustees, ladies president, youth workers leader,
Offer the New Pastor an opportunity to give a brief (he can preach later)

The head deacon or new Pastor should close this time with prayer

A good time for this element in the service would be right after the
offering and should be followed by at least one more congregational song
before the message.

The remainder of the worship service would continue as usual.
You will want to go over this with the new Pastor so he will know what to

Pastor David Warner
He must increase, I must decrease