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Re: living on subistutes

Posted by: g.afariayisi <g.afariayisi@...>

Daddy thanks for ur message am bless. 

On Friday, October 14, 2016, Jimmy Chapman <> wrote:


2 Chronicles 9:15-16, 12:9-10


        When Solomon built the temple, he also built other things that were associated with the temple. He had shields of beaten  gold made. They were silent witnesses to  the splendor and the power of the kingdom of Judah.

        When Solomon went to the temple to worship God, his bodyguard bore the golden shields before him.

        However, Solomon is  dead, and  Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had caused Israel to sin; the kingdom was divided, and  Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, ruled the southern  kingdom at Jerusalem. He did that which was evil in  the sight of the Lord, with  consequences.

        At this time of decay, Shishak, the king  of Egypt, came up with a great army and took Jerusalem; this was only the first of a long series of  defeats and humiliations. He stripped the temple of  its sacred treasures and ravished all the holy and  splendid places. His greedy eye was attracted by the

three hundred shields of gold that he saw. These, too, he  seized and carried down into Egypt to tell the story of his victory over Judah.

        A braver king would have sounded the trumpet, gathered his fighting men, and tried to retrieve the lost  fortunes, winning back with the sword the symbols of Judah's greatness. But Rehoboam knew an easier way.

        Where his father had gathered gold, he gathered brass and made three hundred shields of brass  and hung them up in the place of the lost three hundred shields of gold. When he went to the temple to  call upon the God whom he had forsaken, his men-at-arms carried the shields of brass before him, and they shone in the bright sunlight as if they were of the  finest gold. But the men who carried them and the people who saw them carried in the procession knew that  it was all a hollow show. They knew that the shields  of gold had been taken by the king of Egypt and were  now adorning their temples, and that the shields of Rehoboam, paraded with so much pomp, were only common brass.

"Brass for gold!"


I.      THE TESTIMONY OF wHICH THEy represented

                There was a testimony in the gold shields of Solomon that Rehoboam replaced with brass..


                Solomon built a House for God called the        Temple. No building in antiquity or since can        compare with the Temple.

                The Illinois Society of Architects in 1925 set out to make estimates of the cost of     rebuilding the Temple. The cost of the building         alone, without the vessels, furnishings, etc., was estimated at 87 billion dollars. Considering        how building costs have risen since 1925, the    cost today - between 500-700 billion.

                Why did Solomon build such a house?  As       a tribute to the greatness and glory, majesty,   magnificence, and might of God.

                Can you imagine the imposing sight that         met visitors as they walked down a hallway   lined with men bearing these golden shields?   These shields were a tribute to the God        Solomon served.

        B.     THESE SHIELDS WERE A Tribute       TO    GOD'S PEOPLE.

                These gold shields served as a reminder         of God's blessings upon His people. They stood      as a testimony of a nation that the hand of God       was upon.

I.       THE TESTIMONY OF wHICH THEy represented

II.     THE TRAGEDY in which they were ransacked

        2 Chronicles 12:9

        Years pass, Solomon is dead, Rehoboam, his son, now sits on the throne. In the 5th year of his reign, Shishak, the king of Egypt attacks Jerusalem and loots both the Temple and the King's house.


                Unlike his father, Rehoboam was a very foolish man. He refused to acknowledge the         good of the people of Israel, and as a result, 10       of the tribes rebelled against Rehoboam, divided Israel into two kingdoms and formed   the Northern Kingdom. They chose a man         named Jeroboam to be their king, and the      Northern Kingdom left the worship of Jehovah      and fell into idolatry.

                Rehoboam, who was still king of Judah, or the southern kingdom, had an opportunity to     walk with God and enjoy the blessings of the   Lord. After all, Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord were in his kingdom. Even the priests and        the Levites left the Northern Kingdom and    moved to Judah to serve the Lord, 2 Chron.   11:13-17. Yet, Rehoboam squandered the   opportunities that he was given and walked     away from God, refusing to serve the Lord like        his fathers had.

                As you study of the life of Rehoboam, you      quickly learn that his life is a lesson in privilege,       pride, and the judgment of God. One of the    main problems with Rehoboam was that he         simply refused to give God his absolute best. As       a result, Rehoboam and his people paid a    terribly high price.


                God had been very clear from the beginning.          See 1 Kings 9:4-7.

                The glory had waned and the greatness had wilted. They were a wicked nation and thus    a weakened nation. THE GLORY HAD      DEPARTED!

                What was true for Israel as a nation is    also true for America . . . churches . . . our individual lives.

I.       THE TESTIMONY OF wHICH THEy represented

II.     THE TRAGEDY in which they were ransacked

III.   THE Travesty by which they were replaced (10)

      Rehoboam replaced the shields, but instead of gold, they were brass. Now they looked like gold, shined like gold, but they were substitutes. THEY WERE NOT THE REAL THING!

      When Rehoboam lost the pure  gold what did he do? By all means He must keep up appearances. If he  cannot afford golden shields, he must have something that resembles that  precious metal-brass. And to avoid too close scrutiny by the people, he had  them guarded carefully.

          He tried to hide the truth!

          We are a generation of counterfeits and substitutes. We have accepted brass shields instead of gold shields.

          They shine like gold - but they aren’t what they pretend to be or  what God intended for them to be!

          Gold spoke of power, prosperity, and glory. Gold was expensive and hard to acquire.

          Unlike gold, brass must be polished constantly because it tends to tarnish. Whereas gold was tempered and durable, brass was cheap and flimsy. Bronze looks like gold (if the lights are turned low), but it is not gold. Bronze is good, but it is not the best!

          Instead of facing the people of Israel and telling them that the golden shields were gone, King Rehoboam tried to deceive them by preparing an inferior substitute. Instead of amassing his army to go and recover what the enemy had taken, King Rehoboam chose the pathway of hypocrisy and compromise.

          So often today, we try to disguise our decline with substitutes! We have substituted the ritual for the spiritual!


How deceptive it is


                   The Church has become everything but       what God intended it to be. We have become        social clubhouses instead of spiritual lighthouses. We have become museums that           magnify the saints rather than hospitals      that minister to the sinner. We have   become           keepers of the aquarium rather than fishers of     men. We have become political           organizers   rather than spiritual agonizers.

        B.     I THINK OF THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT OF          GOD.

                   There is no one that believes in the    power of the Holy Spirit any more than me. I           am very much aware that when God's Holy Spirit is at work the unusual becomes the usual.          But in many cases we are accepting brass    rather than gold!

                   The less power the church has the more      entertainment it often produces!

                   2 Timothy 3:5  - "Having a form of   godliness,    but denying the power thereof. "           The word     translated "form" here means "an      outward semblance."

          C.      I THINK OF THE PLACE OF THE WORD      OF GOD.

                   The Word of God is to be the center of         our gathering.

                   The songbook can never take the place of    God's Book. Drama can never take the place of       doctrine. Programs can never take the place of      preaching. Entertainment can never take the       place of exhortation. They all have their place        and role, but the Word of God is first and     foremost.

The Gold Shield of TRUTH is being replaced by the Brass Shield of TOLERANCE

The Gold Shield of CONVICTIONS is being replaced by the Brass Shield of COMPROMISE

The Gold Shield of HOLINESS is being replaced by the Brass Shield of HAPPINESS.


          All that glitters is not gold. I'm not going to settle for cheap brass. I won't GOLD!

          Be honest with yourself and with your God today: does God have your very best? Or does He have your cheap imitation of the best?

          Gold shields are not kept without a struggle.





Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church





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