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RE: Looking for pictures

Posted by: rodneyholloman <rodneyholloman@...>

Go to and use their image search feature.
Rodney H
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Infanzon []
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 5:45 PM
To: PastorMail
Subject: [PastorMail] Looking for pictures

I am preaching on being a neighbor this weekend, thanks JimMc for the 1st half of the sermon idea, but am finishing up with "do it for the least of these and you did it to me." During my closing I am going to play the country song "What if she's an angel" and do a slide presentation on our PowerPoint screen to go along with this. I am looking for pictures of homeless with will work for food sign, a child w/ cancer in a ballcap with mom or dad, and if anyone has any pictures of a jail ministry service. Thanks for your help guys.
Grace and peace,
Mike Infanzon