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Re: Prayer Needed

Posted by: relayne <relayne@...>

May God bless you dear brother to make the right decision. I will be praying
for you. I realize it is hard sometimes to find out exactly what God wants
us to do

because the devil is doing everything he can to discourage us. He is
the master of

discouragement. Don't give up, just keep looking up, keep trusting
God to show

you His will. Don't' let the devil get the victory. Victory is in Jesus!!!


Evangelist R. E. Layne

"Dr. Wade T. Bridges" wrote:

 Hello Dear Brother Pastors,

I would like to submit a very special Prayer request for myself. I am
going through some very hard times right now and I need the Prayers of
my fellow Brothers in Christ. I have to make some hard decisions very soon
now and it deals with me staying here in this Ministry or moving on. I
want what God wants for my life and nothing short of that. I need wisdom
now more than ever. I have already prayed if it is God's will for me to
move to open that door. But, the issue is clouded right now and I need
to see clearly in this. Please pray for me that I will make the right decision
for my Lord. I don't think I have ever been so discouraged in my life.
May God show me the way and the direction He would have me to go. Truly
it is the Little Foxes that Spoil the Vine. Thank you dear Pastors for
your Prayers in this matter.

Brother Wade T. Bridges

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