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Re: Renewing the Christian Mind - Part 5

Posted by: preachervent <preachervent@...>

Greetings Once Again, Bro. Ledbetter,

I am really enjoying these messages. Thank you for sharing them. Somehow I missed part 4. Could you please send it to me? I would greatly appreciate it.

I must be honest, next year I’m planning on a series preaching through Romans, and, with your permission, I would like to “borrow” some of your material. It “hits the nail right on the head” and would be a great blessing to my folks, as well. Of course I would rework it to fit in with what I’m doing, but I like your set-up. It flows very nicely

Again, thank you so much.

Yours for others,

Bro. Bill Matthews, Pastor

First Baptist Church,
Belmont, NY