Re: Sermons
Quote from Forum Archives on December 8, 2003, 5:02 pmPosted by: ldw45 <ldw45@...>
Here is the cream from last Sunday.......... Any butter you churn may be claimed as your own.
Morning Message - December 7, 2003
"Serving a God of Surprises"
Luke 1:5-35
Do you like to be surprised? It really depends on what the surprise is doesn't it. Consider this, we serve a God of surprises. Think through the scripture and you'll recall many illustrations. Consider being confronted by the Red Sea with no place to cross, the enemy right behind you. Surprise, surprise! God parted the waters and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. Remember Jericho with its insurmountable walls. A small band of folks marched around the city, and surprise, surprise! When the trumpet blew the walls fell. Remember the starving widow and her son. They had nothing left to eat, so they were preparing their last meal and would wait to die. A prophet shows up and surprise, surprise! Imagine the disciples in a boat during a storm. Then the Master He calms the storm. Surprise, surprise!
In this passage God brings several surprises. Lets begin by going back to theBook of Malachi. In 4:2, "You that fear my name shall the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." 4:5-6, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." God's promise - "I will send a deliverer. I will send one who will be like Elijah."
Four hundred years passed after God gave this promise. Two ordinary couples are going about their daily routines. Suddenly and unexpectedly God intervenes with surprises.
Imagine this lady who was well along in years. She had dreamed of having a child, but she was never able to do so. Now it was beyond possibility at her age. Surprise, surprise! The promise of this child was made in Malachi. Four hundred years have passed, and people are looking for him. It was a dark time in Israel. God's indictments in Malachi 3, "You have turned away from me. You have stolen from me. You no longer worship me nor love me. I have a great deal against you." After 400 years of silence that indictment had not changed. Luke 1:5-6 reveals that things are about to change.
Two faithful, Godly souls will become the instruments of God fulfilling His promise in Malachi. Verse 7 says there hadn't been any children born to them. That in itself was a bleak cloud over their heads. There was no baby's cry in the home, no laughter of a child, no parental pride to swell their hearts. Time had erased their hopes. They had borne the stigma, struggled with it, and accepted it as their lot in life. Barkley's Commentary says, "To a man, a childless lady was grounds for divorce."
There were three reasons every family wanted a child in Zechariah's day. (1) The husband's hope for an heir, (2) the promise of the Messiah's coming and the possibility their child might be the Messiah, and (3) the natural longing of the mother.
Verses 8-20, Zechariah is one of approximately 20,000 men who were priests of the Lord and took care of the temple. Those 20,000 men were divided into 24 groups, each served two weeks out of the year caring for the temple. Zechariah's group was caring for the temple, and Zechariah had the tremendous honor of being chosen by lot to burn the incense in the temple. Quite often a man never got the privilege in his lifetime. He would enter that sacred chamber alone and burn incense on the golden altar as a symbol of prayers rising to God. Verse 10, tells us there would be multitudes praying at the moment Zechariah performed this symbolic act.
Verse 11, as Zechariah is going about his task an angel appeared. When Zechariah saw him he was gripped with fear. I'm sure Zechariah's knees were shaking, his heart was pounding, and he was terrified. This was the Lord's angel! You have to understand the excitement of it and the enormity of this moment for the passage to be meaningful.
Verse 13, the angel tells Zechariah his prayers have been heard, and he will have a son. His name is to be John, and he will prepare the way for the Messiah. Verse 16, he'll be the one that turns hearts back to God. Verse 17, the prophet Malachi's words are about to be fulfilled.
Verse 18 Zechariah asked the angel, "How can I be sure of this? I'm an old man and my wife is well along in years." That's a reasonable question. Zechariah wanted some assurance. He needed a sign of affirmation. Verse 19, the angel answered, "Now you will be silent until the day this happens because you did not believe my words." That was a sure sign - the angel zipped Zehcariah's lip for nine months. What a surprise! He had nine months to think about what God was doing and the blessing that would come into their home.
In verses 26-27 Luke shifts the scene to a young girl. We don't know her exact age, but probably around the age of 13-14. Imagine her dreams and hopes for the future. She was very dedicated to the Lord, and she must have been wondering how the Lord would use her life. "What will my life be?" "Who will I marry?" "When will I have a home of my own?" The gospels tell us her parents revealed they had chosen Joseph to be her husband. Imagine her joy. Teenagers today would not find joy in the fact that their parents chose their spouse. That's how it was done in that day, and it worked. They entered the marriage knowing it was going to work. They would make it work. This young lady would have received this news joyfully. Think of the blessings she's considering. "I'm going to marry a carpenter! Not a farmer, not a fisherman, but a carpenter!" Maybe she was thinking of all the things he could make for the house to fix it up. Ladies haven't changed since the beginning of time. Neither of men, but I'm sure Mary was thinking of all the furniture Joseph could make for her. She probably was thinking of how they could serve the Lord together. In her wildest dreams she wasn't prepared for God's surprise. Her mind was filled with ordinary things that any dedicated child of God would have thought about.
Verses 30-33 reveal the angel, God's special messenger, sent to Mary. "Don't be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with the Lord." There must have been something very special about this young lady. God took special notice of her. He chose her for a very special task. "You will be with child and will give birth to a son. You are to give him the name, Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end." Mary asked, "How will this be, since I'm a virgin?"
She was a humble young lady, Verse 34 sense the anxiety in Mary's heart by her question. She didn't request a sign like Zechariah, but she was worried about the process and the stigma. She was a virgin. Verse 35, divine revelation says the Trinity will be involved in what will happen. "The Holy Spirit will spark the process, God Most High will preserve her purity, and the product of that union will be the sinless Son of God."
Verses 36-38, Mary humbly accepted this news and said, "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. What dedication and acceptance of the will of God for her life. She has been called upon to pay a price. Imagine the accusations of indecency, the pointed fingers, and the whispers. Who could she tell the truth? Who would believe her? In the excitement and anxiety of the moment Luke says (verses 39-40) Mary went to visit her understanding cousin, Elizabeth.
Matthew 1 tells us that Joseph was heart broken over what he discovered and struggled with what he would do. He wondered who would believe the wild tale that God was the father of this child. Joseph must have been saying in his mind, "They are going to accuse me. It wasn't me. It had to be someone else. Mary must have been unfaithful." He struggled with what to do. Joseph loved Mary, but he couldn't marry her. He didn't plan to, but instead had decided to divorce her quietly. Back in those days a simple engagement was more binding than a marriage is today. Even though they were not yet married they were engaged, and legally bound to each other. He could have had her put to death, but because he loved her he decided to divorce her quietly.
Matthew 1:20-23, an angel appears to Joseph and gives him the news about Jesus. Because of Joseph's dedication to the Lord he was willing to stand and do what God wanted him to do. It was God's will! "So what the stigma! So what the pointed fingers! So what! I'm doing the will of God in this matter. My Mary, has been chosen to bear the Messiah." See how God can take a surprise and turn it into blessings! Joseph begins to see things with a new perspective. Joseph, the willing obedient servant of the Lord, says he is willing to accept the task. It set into motion a chain of events that would affect the rest of their lives and would change the world. Where would the world be today if two couples who were dedicated to the Lord had been otherwise? We might say, "But God could have chosen someone else." That's not the point. God chose Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph. God chose you! Are you willing to do His will? Or would you be like Zechariah and argue with God a little? Or like Joseph, struggling with the issue, but when God says, "This is the way it is to be," accept His will whole heartedly.
God is a God of surprises. If you will allow Him to do so, He'll surprise you! More than you could ever dream! Maybe He's just waiting until the right moment in your life to hand you your surprise. I don't know what it will be. For these two ladies it was the birth of a baby. For Joseph and Zechariah, it was becoming a father. Let's look at the lessons.
(1) The times of impossibilities are God's greatest opportunity. When saints of God put the desires of their heart before God in seriousness, God honors it. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If God took that moment of impossibility and turned it into opportunity for these lives, He can do it for you.
(2) Just because God waits does not mean He said no. How many times do you suppose Elizabeth had prayed for a child? Someone might have said, "But God has said, No, Elizabeth." He didn't say no, He just said "Not yet." When the time was right God answered Elizabeth's prayers. Just because He makes us wait doesn't mean He is saying no. He just may not be ready, or maybe you're not ready. When God's time is right to teach us the meaning of trust, He is there.
` (3) When God gives you a surprise it will be for your good and His glory. Isn't that what happened for Zechariah and Elizabeth? It was for their good, and God's glory. When God gives you your surprise it will be the same way. In their wildest dreams they didn't expect the kind of blessings they got.
Note Luke 1:57-58 when they named their baby. Zechariah called for something to write on and when he does God unzips his lip. For nine months he has not been able to speak, but now he tells them what the child's name will be. What a day!
Verses 62-64, for nine months God had been disciplining Zechariah. Imagine his joy when he could speak again. If you are God's child, He is like a loving parent and He will discipline you. Notice Zechariah didn't hold Elizabeth responsible for not being able to talk for nine months. Many times when God is disciplining someone it is their human tendency to someone else. Zechariah didn't do that. Instead he just assumed the responsibility. When God ends the discipline and brings restoration, the time of joy will come.
What about the lessons from Mary and Joseph? (1) No conception is ill-timed for an individual who believes in God and allows God to be in full control. Jesus may have been the result of an unplanned pregnancy in the life of Mary and Joseph, but there wasn't any question about the morals of Mary's. God had a plan for this child. That child was not an accident. I don't care what the abortionists tell you today. A child is not an accident. When those parents, under the will of God, follow His will, it's not an unplanned event.
(2) Life can sure get tedious at times. I'm sure Mary from a human perspective said, "We can't have this child. Joseph and I are just thinking about getting married. We're not ready for a child." She may have thought the timing was all wrong, but when God's will comes into play, she was willing to understand, obey, and follow His will. What may have seemed to be a problem, turned out to be God's blessing. That's always the way it is when God is in control.
It's almost Christmas. In just a few short weeks there will be many surprises opened Christmas morning. Has God brought any surprises into your life this year? Is God in the process of surprising you now? Let Him do His work; let Him surprise you because He wants what is best for you. You may not fully comprehend. You may not fully understand, but know that God is in control. Will you accept the surprises as Zechariah and Elizabeth; Mary and Joseph did and understand that when God is in control it's all right.
What's the wildest thing that could happen in your life spiritually? What would you like for God to do in your life? Probably what you desire and the spiritual surprise you want, is a matter of you simply saying, "Yes, God," and allowing Him to bring that surprise through you. I don't know what God's surprise might be for you during this holiday season or the next year, but I guarantee God has a plan for you life just as He did for these couples. Are you willing to put yourself in the center of God's will and say, "Yes, Lord, whatever it is, I'll do it."
Let's sing our invitation hymn, "The Savior is Waiting". The Master is looking over the balconies of heaven for you to say yes to Him.
----- Original Message -----From: <a href="">PastorWalt1@aol.comTo: <a href="">pastormail@welovegod.orgSent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:23 AMSubject: [PastorMail] SermonsBrothers,I have been on this list for a very long time and I have noticed that most people have no problem debating topics or asking for help with sermons or problems, but very few send in sermons to the list. I try to send every sermon I preach to the list in hopes that some of you can take them make them better and preach them to others as well. I am blessed by your contributions even if I don't repreach I still love to read them and chew on them. I use many as devotions in the mornings.I know most of the people on this list preach every Sunday morning at least, so why not send what you preach to the list for others to benefit from. I use full manuscripts to preach from and I know some only use outlines, but please send those as well because we can all glean from what God has laid on your heart.I take many sermons from this list and revamp them to fit my style and what God is leading me to say and I will turn around and send them back (giving credit to the original author if I can remember who it is). Don't be afraid to repost a sermon that you have changed to fit your church.I was about to leave the list and had sent Brother Jack a message to let him know, but I have changed my mind. I hope all of you will remember what the list is for and if someone says something that you don't agree with, just let it go - we don't have to debate everything we don;t agree with - just delete it and forget it. Just my opinion......Walt
Posted by: ldw45 <ldw45@...>
Here is the cream from last Sunday.......... Any butter you churn may be claimed as your own.
Morning Message - December 7, 2003
"Serving a God of Surprises"
Luke 1:5-35
Do you like to be surprised? It really depends on what the surprise is doesn't it. Consider this, we serve a God of surprises. Think through the scripture and you'll recall many illustrations. Consider being confronted by the Red Sea with no place to cross, the enemy right behind you. Surprise, surprise! God parted the waters and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. Remember Jericho with its insurmountable walls. A small band of folks marched around the city, and surprise, surprise! When the trumpet blew the walls fell. Remember the starving widow and her son. They had nothing left to eat, so they were preparing their last meal and would wait to die. A prophet shows up and surprise, surprise! Imagine the disciples in a boat during a storm. Then the Master He calms the storm. Surprise, surprise!
In this passage God brings several surprises. Lets begin by going back to theBook of Malachi. In 4:2, "You that fear my name shall the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." 4:5-6, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." God's promise - "I will send a deliverer. I will send one who will be like Elijah."
Four hundred years passed after God gave this promise. Two ordinary couples are going about their daily routines. Suddenly and unexpectedly God intervenes with surprises.
Imagine this lady who was well along in years. She had dreamed of having a child, but she was never able to do so. Now it was beyond possibility at her age. Surprise, surprise! The promise of this child was made in Malachi. Four hundred years have passed, and people are looking for him. It was a dark time in Israel. God's indictments in Malachi 3, "You have turned away from me. You have stolen from me. You no longer worship me nor love me. I have a great deal against you." After 400 years of silence that indictment had not changed. Luke 1:5-6 reveals that things are about to change.
Two faithful, Godly souls will become the instruments of God fulfilling His promise in Malachi. Verse 7 says there hadn't been any children born to them. That in itself was a bleak cloud over their heads. There was no baby's cry in the home, no laughter of a child, no parental pride to swell their hearts. Time had erased their hopes. They had borne the stigma, struggled with it, and accepted it as their lot in life. Barkley's Commentary says, "To a man, a childless lady was grounds for divorce."
There were three reasons every family wanted a child in Zechariah's day. (1) The husband's hope for an heir, (2) the promise of the Messiah's coming and the possibility their child might be the Messiah, and (3) the natural longing of the mother.
Verses 8-20, Zechariah is one of approximately 20,000 men who were priests of the Lord and took care of the temple. Those 20,000 men were divided into 24 groups, each served two weeks out of the year caring for the temple. Zechariah's group was caring for the temple, and Zechariah had the tremendous honor of being chosen by lot to burn the incense in the temple. Quite often a man never got the privilege in his lifetime. He would enter that sacred chamber alone and burn incense on the golden altar as a symbol of prayers rising to God. Verse 10, tells us there would be multitudes praying at the moment Zechariah performed this symbolic act.
Verse 11, as Zechariah is going about his task an angel appeared. When Zechariah saw him he was gripped with fear. I'm sure Zechariah's knees were shaking, his heart was pounding, and he was terrified. This was the Lord's angel! You have to understand the excitement of it and the enormity of this moment for the passage to be meaningful.
Verse 13, the angel tells Zechariah his prayers have been heard, and he will have a son. His name is to be John, and he will prepare the way for the Messiah. Verse 16, he'll be the one that turns hearts back to God. Verse 17, the prophet Malachi's words are about to be fulfilled.
Verse 18 Zechariah asked the angel, "How can I be sure of this? I'm an old man and my wife is well along in years." That's a reasonable question. Zechariah wanted some assurance. He needed a sign of affirmation. Verse 19, the angel answered, "Now you will be silent until the day this happens because you did not believe my words." That was a sure sign - the angel zipped Zehcariah's lip for nine months. What a surprise! He had nine months to think about what God was doing and the blessing that would come into their home.
In verses 26-27 Luke shifts the scene to a young girl. We don't know her exact age, but probably around the age of 13-14. Imagine her dreams and hopes for the future. She was very dedicated to the Lord, and she must have been wondering how the Lord would use her life. "What will my life be?" "Who will I marry?" "When will I have a home of my own?" The gospels tell us her parents revealed they had chosen Joseph to be her husband. Imagine her joy. Teenagers today would not find joy in the fact that their parents chose their spouse. That's how it was done in that day, and it worked. They entered the marriage knowing it was going to work. They would make it work. This young lady would have received this news joyfully. Think of the blessings she's considering. "I'm going to marry a carpenter! Not a farmer, not a fisherman, but a carpenter!" Maybe she was thinking of all the things he could make for the house to fix it up. Ladies haven't changed since the beginning of time. Neither of men, but I'm sure Mary was thinking of all the furniture Joseph could make for her. She probably was thinking of how they could serve the Lord together. In her wildest dreams she wasn't prepared for God's surprise. Her mind was filled with ordinary things that any dedicated child of God would have thought about.
Verses 30-33 reveal the angel, God's special messenger, sent to Mary. "Don't be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with the Lord." There must have been something very special about this young lady. God took special notice of her. He chose her for a very special task. "You will be with child and will give birth to a son. You are to give him the name, Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end." Mary asked, "How will this be, since I'm a virgin?"
She was a humble young lady, Verse 34 sense the anxiety in Mary's heart by her question. She didn't request a sign like Zechariah, but she was worried about the process and the stigma. She was a virgin. Verse 35, divine revelation says the Trinity will be involved in what will happen. "The Holy Spirit will spark the process, God Most High will preserve her purity, and the product of that union will be the sinless Son of God."
Verses 36-38, Mary humbly accepted this news and said, "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. What dedication and acceptance of the will of God for her life. She has been called upon to pay a price. Imagine the accusations of indecency, the pointed fingers, and the whispers. Who could she tell the truth? Who would believe her? In the excitement and anxiety of the moment Luke says (verses 39-40) Mary went to visit her understanding cousin, Elizabeth.
Matthew 1 tells us that Joseph was heart broken over what he discovered and struggled with what he would do. He wondered who would believe the wild tale that God was the father of this child. Joseph must have been saying in his mind, "They are going to accuse me. It wasn't me. It had to be someone else. Mary must have been unfaithful." He struggled with what to do. Joseph loved Mary, but he couldn't marry her. He didn't plan to, but instead had decided to divorce her quietly. Back in those days a simple engagement was more binding than a marriage is today. Even though they were not yet married they were engaged, and legally bound to each other. He could have had her put to death, but because he loved her he decided to divorce her quietly.
Matthew 1:20-23, an angel appears to Joseph and gives him the news about Jesus. Because of Joseph's dedication to the Lord he was willing to stand and do what God wanted him to do. It was God's will! "So what the stigma! So what the pointed fingers! So what! I'm doing the will of God in this matter. My Mary, has been chosen to bear the Messiah." See how God can take a surprise and turn it into blessings! Joseph begins to see things with a new perspective. Joseph, the willing obedient servant of the Lord, says he is willing to accept the task. It set into motion a chain of events that would affect the rest of their lives and would change the world. Where would the world be today if two couples who were dedicated to the Lord had been otherwise? We might say, "But God could have chosen someone else." That's not the point. God chose Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph. God chose you! Are you willing to do His will? Or would you be like Zechariah and argue with God a little? Or like Joseph, struggling with the issue, but when God says, "This is the way it is to be," accept His will whole heartedly.
God is a God of surprises. If you will allow Him to do so, He'll surprise you! More than you could ever dream! Maybe He's just waiting until the right moment in your life to hand you your surprise. I don't know what it will be. For these two ladies it was the birth of a baby. For Joseph and Zechariah, it was becoming a father. Let's look at the lessons.
(1) The times of impossibilities are God's greatest opportunity. When saints of God put the desires of their heart before God in seriousness, God honors it. Scripture tells us He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If God took that moment of impossibility and turned it into opportunity for these lives, He can do it for you.
(2) Just because God waits does not mean He said no. How many times do you suppose Elizabeth had prayed for a child? Someone might have said, "But God has said, No, Elizabeth." He didn't say no, He just said "Not yet." When the time was right God answered Elizabeth's prayers. Just because He makes us wait doesn't mean He is saying no. He just may not be ready, or maybe you're not ready. When God's time is right to teach us the meaning of trust, He is there.
` (3) When God gives you a surprise it will be for your good and His glory. Isn't that what happened for Zechariah and Elizabeth? It was for their good, and God's glory. When God gives you your surprise it will be the same way. In their wildest dreams they didn't expect the kind of blessings they got.
Note Luke 1:57-58 when they named their baby. Zechariah called for something to write on and when he does God unzips his lip. For nine months he has not been able to speak, but now he tells them what the child's name will be. What a day!
Verses 62-64, for nine months God had been disciplining Zechariah. Imagine his joy when he could speak again. If you are God's child, He is like a loving parent and He will discipline you. Notice Zechariah didn't hold Elizabeth responsible for not being able to talk for nine months. Many times when God is disciplining someone it is their human tendency to someone else. Zechariah didn't do that. Instead he just assumed the responsibility. When God ends the discipline and brings restoration, the time of joy will come.
What about the lessons from Mary and Joseph? (1) No conception is ill-timed for an individual who believes in God and allows God to be in full control. Jesus may have been the result of an unplanned pregnancy in the life of Mary and Joseph, but there wasn't any question about the morals of Mary's. God had a plan for this child. That child was not an accident. I don't care what the abortionists tell you today. A child is not an accident. When those parents, under the will of God, follow His will, it's not an unplanned event.
(2) Life can sure get tedious at times. I'm sure Mary from a human perspective said, "We can't have this child. Joseph and I are just thinking about getting married. We're not ready for a child." She may have thought the timing was all wrong, but when God's will comes into play, she was willing to understand, obey, and follow His will. What may have seemed to be a problem, turned out to be God's blessing. That's always the way it is when God is in control.
It's almost Christmas. In just a few short weeks there will be many surprises opened Christmas morning. Has God brought any surprises into your life this year? Is God in the process of surprising you now? Let Him do His work; let Him surprise you because He wants what is best for you. You may not fully comprehend. You may not fully understand, but know that God is in control. Will you accept the surprises as Zechariah and Elizabeth; Mary and Joseph did and understand that when God is in control it's all right.
What's the wildest thing that could happen in your life spiritually? What would you like for God to do in your life? Probably what you desire and the spiritual surprise you want, is a matter of you simply saying, "Yes, God," and allowing Him to bring that surprise through you. I don't know what God's surprise might be for you during this holiday season or the next year, but I guarantee God has a plan for you life just as He did for these couples. Are you willing to put yourself in the center of God's will and say, "Yes, Lord, whatever it is, I'll do it."
Let's sing our invitation hymn, "The Savior is Waiting". The Master is looking over the balconies of heaven for you to say yes to Him.
----- Original Message -----From: <a href="">PastorWalt1@aol.comTo: <a href="">pastormail@welovegod.orgSent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:23 AMSubject: [PastorMail] SermonsBrothers,I have been on this list for a very long time and I have noticed that most people have no problem debating topics or asking for help with sermons or problems, but very few send in sermons to the list. I try to send every sermon I preach to the list in hopes that some of you can take them make them better and preach them to others as well. I am blessed by your contributions even if I don't repreach I still love to read them and chew on them. I use many as devotions in the mornings.I know most of the people on this list preach every Sunday morning at least, so why not send what you preach to the list for others to benefit from. I use full manuscripts to preach from and I know some only use outlines, but please send those as well because we can all glean from what God has laid on your heart.I take many sermons from this list and revamp them to fit my style and what God is leading me to say and I will turn around and send them back (giving credit to the original author if I can remember who it is). Don't be afraid to repost a sermon that you have changed to fit your church.I was about to leave the list and had sent Brother Jack a message to let him know, but I have changed my mind. I hope all of you will remember what the list is for and if someone says something that you don't agree with, just let it go - we don't have to debate everything we don;t agree with - just delete it and forget it. Just my opinion......Walt