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Re: Small things

Posted by: LOLMinistries <LOLMinistries@...>

Small churches are usually the best churches, why? Because, one, small
churches allow for a closer walk and intimacy with Jesus without the
distractions of larger churches with all the people. Two, small churches
help to build better people-pastor relationships. They grow closer to one
another than they do in large churches where people are distant and barely
know one another, except by acquaintances. Small churches also have a
disadvantage, a financial one sometimes. But this can be overcome. Another
disadvantage is that the Pastor may have to work a secular job which takes
some of his energy away from the church and family.

But if they two disadvantages are overcome, you could have a very strong
small church that will impact the community and the lost. Because they will
want to know what is going on down at that church.

Another thing a small church must do: GIVE TO MISSIONS even if it is a small
amount. You want heaven to smile upon your work for Jesus, "give to missions."

Be blessed,
Skip Wigmore