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Re: thoughts on Matthew 5:9

Posted by: jegpreacherman <jegpreacherman@...>

 this comes from a file on my computer:
The verses dealing with the Beatitudes deal with attitudes—what we think in our hearts, our outlook on life. “Beatitudes”—the attitudes that ought to be in our lives if we are true Christians.“Peacemakers”  (v. 9): We should bring peace,  between people and God, and between those who are at odds with each other.
•This world is at war (Titus 3:3).
•Christians have the Gospel of peace on their feet, so that wherever they go, they bring peace (Eph 6:15).
•This is not “peace at any price,” for holiness is more important than a peace based on sin (James 3:17; Heb 12:14).
•Compromise is not peace; but Christians should not be contentious as they contend for the faith.
•God hates discord (Prov 6:16-19).
•The Lord loves peace (Rom 14:19; 15:33).
•There is no one today who can make peace, but Christ alone, the great Peacemaker.  He made peace by His blood between a righteous God and an unrighteous sinner.
•Things which are not of peace (Gal 5:19-21).

Your fellow-servant-in Christ
Jimmie E. Glover

From: <; on behalf of Lissy <;
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 10:13 PM
Subject: [PastorMail] thoughts on Matthew 5:9


Dear Pastor

                                Preparing a sermon on Matthew 5:9 for the next two weeks. Need some help and thoughts. Appreciate the thoughts and help rendered



In His love



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