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Posted by: g.afariayisi <g.afariayisi@...>

Praise God what a wonderful message for our hope, 'mTo die is gain' 
God be with you. 

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 5:09 PM Jimmy Chapman <> wrote:

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                        PHILIPPIANS 1:21


          The world sees death as the "end" as loss of all for which one has lived (and if they have lived totally for the temporal, it is indeed totally lost).

          Paul says not so for him. He says that He would be better off dead.

          To die for an unbeliever is to give up all, but to die for a believer is to gain all.

          To die for the believer is freedom from the chains (If not the literal chains like Paul, certainly the figurative chains of the sin that so easily entangles us causing us to be prone to wander), deliverance from self,  deliverance completely from the presence of sin, and deliverance from suffering and strife.

          For a Christian death is exchanging the burden of earthly life for the eternal joy of heaven.

          "Gain" is always more of the same thing. If to live is Christ, then to die would be more of Christ.

          The idea of gain is a precious thought concerning death. At death Christians collect the "dividends" from the investment of their earthly, temporal life for Christ, and God pays the richest dividends… eternally! We will gain both in what we lose (sinful body, temptation, sorrow, sufferings, enemies, etc.) and in what we gain (glorified body, personal presence with Christ, joy, reunion with departed saints, etc.).

          How did Paul survive and thrive in a Roman jail? Philippians 1:21 gives Paul’s answer, “Life is wonderful … and it’s gonna get better.” The word “gain” is a monetary term that means to make a profit on an investment.        

Where life is Christ, death is gain.

          How  can death be a “gain” for a believer?

          First, we lose everything we don’t need—We lose the world, the flesh, and the devil. We lose our trials, our troubles, our tears, our fears, and our weaknesses.

          Second,  we gain what we never had before—we gain heaven, the saints, the angels, and  the presence of God.

          Many years ago——the great Southern evangelist John R. Rice preached in Texas, just south of Dallas. As was his custom, Dr. Rice preached hard against sin, especially against the bootleggers bringing illegal liquor into that small Texas town. Eventually the powers that be decided that this pesky evangelist must be silenced. They sent a message to stop preaching or they would kill him. “You can’t threaten me with heaven,” he replied.

          Instead of complaining about being in jail, Paul rejoices that even in chains, he has experienced the power of Jesus Christ in his life. And when he dies, his current wonderful life will get even better. How could Paul say such to die is gain?

I.      Because of the PERSON HE WOULD BE WITH

          Philippians 1:23  -  "For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better"

          I can’t fully understand or appreciate it, being in the flesh, but the Word of God indicates that the very ultimate in human fulfillment is to be with the Lord.

          The opposite must also be true. Hell will be hell, not just because of the torment there but to know that one is forever separated from the God who made him.

          Psalm 16:11  -   " thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

          It is a blessed life when we live in His abiding presence, but is far better life when we live in  His actual presence.

          I heard about a pastor who told his congregation that the church needed some extra money  and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns. 

          After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had placed a $1,000 bill in offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said he would like to personally thank the person who placed the money in the plate.

          All the way in the back of the auditorium Rosie shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor.  He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and in thanksgiving asked her to pick out three hymns.

          Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three most handsome men in the building and said, “I’ll take him and him and him.”

          To die is gain for the  Christian because of the person you will be with. There is nobody like Jesus.

I.      Because of the PERSON HE WOULD BE WITH

II.     Because of the Place He would be in

          To depart this place is to end up in a better place.

There is a land of pure delight,

Where saints immortal reign;

Infinite day excludes the night,

And pleasures banish pain.


There everlasting Spring abides,

And never-with’ring flowers;

Death, like a narrow sea, divides

This heavenly land from ours.

          A.      It is a place of reality

                   It is a better country for stability      (Hebrews 11:14,16)

                   It is a continuing city for security     (Hebrews 13:14)

          B.     It is a place of rest

                   Revelation 14 John describes those     who reject Christ as Saviour and says that    in death they have no rest day or night.          However, two verses later he writes about        those who die in the Lord and says that         they “rest from their labours.”

O land of rest, for thee I sigh

When will the moment come

When I shall lay my armor by,

And dwell in peace at home.

          C.      It is a place of release

                   Heaven is not only wonderful        because of the who and what will be there,         but it is also wonderful because of who and   what will not be there.

                   We will be released from all physical     afflictions, handicaps, diseases, anxieties,   aliments,    trials, and temptations.

·        No more cough, no more cancer, and   no more consumption


·        No sin, no sorrow, and no sickness shall darken the sky on the heavenly shore. 


·        No  shadows, sighing, and struggles


·        No afflictions, anxieties,  and aliments           

I.      Because of the PERSON HE WOULD BE WITH

II.     Because of the Place He would be in

III.    Because of the People HE WOULD BE AROUND

          See Revelation 7:9.

          There is no finer bunch of people on earth than God’s redeemed bunch with their flaws and their failures.

          However, what must that fellowship be like in heaven.

          I delight in being around them.

          I delight in their company.

          I like to talk about the things of God with them.

          I like their spirit.

          I like their lifestyle

          I like their standards

          I like what they like.

          I like their language.


          Here is how the Word of God puts it.

          I  John 3:14  - "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren."

          And then, just think, all the folks in heaven will have the  same mindset.

          No thieves in heaven…… need for door locks.

          No murderers in heaven…no need to carry a gun.

          No liars in heaven…no need for a lie detector.

          See I Corinthians 6: 9,10.

          Matthew Henry, the Bible commentator, was engaged to a lady of considerable fortune.  Her father objected to his only daughter marrying this Presbyterian preacher.  “You see,” he told her, “he may be a perfect gentleman, a brilliant scholar, and an excellent preacher; but he is a stranger, and we do not even know where he comes from!”

          “True,” replied his daughter, “but we know where he is going, and I should like to go with him.”

          When we know Christ as our Saviour, we shall spend eternity in heaven with those that also know him.

          What a grand day that will be.



          If you are not a Christian, then you cannot say as Paul, “To die is gain.”

          However, you could if you come to Christ today and trust His finished work on Calvary.




Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church





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