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Posted by: fabolous3461 <fabolous3461@...>

What a wonderful, powerful, timely sermon! Pastor Chapman thank you so very much for sharing this. I was very blessed. I'm a young pastor going through some challenges and I really needed to read this. So thank you. I also loved your sermon illustrations and stories. If I was looking for great stories for illustration purposes to where and to who would you direct? (Titles of books or websites?)

God bless you,
Pastor Theophilus Osei

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Jimmy Chapman <> wrote:



        When you hear the name Rand McNally, you  immediately you think of roadmaps. Rand McNally is the world’s largest commercial mapmaker. I recently saw an advertisement for Rand McNally that stated that Rand McNally and Company offers the most trusted tools to discover, map and navigate your world. Founded in 1856 and headquartered in Skokie, Illinois, its motto is, “Rand McNally … the most trusted name on the map.”

        Tonight I want to give you a roadmap for the believer, and it is the most trusted roadmap ever given.

        Many a traveler has found it to be trustworthy and reliable. In fact, all who have followed it have never lost their way or deviated from the right path. All customers that have used it have been completely satisfied. It is a roadmap that will guide you d for all life. The roadmap I am referring to is Proverbs 3:5-6.

        Now I get the idea of a roadmap from the word “ways” in verse 6. The word speaks of a road. We are all travelers on the highway of life and Proverbs 3:5-6 gives us a roadmap to guide us on our journey.

I.      There is a PERSON whom faith is asked to TRUST


        Our God is utterly dependable. His character makes it impossible for Him to lie. His wisdom is so great He can never make a mistake. Our God can be trusted.

        A.     The rejection  faith makes

                “Lean not unto thine own understanding.”

                There is not a greater enemy  knowing   the will of God than the conceitedness of our        own wisdom.

                Jeremiah 10:23 “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in        man that walketh to direct his steps.”

                Isaiah 5:21 “Woe unto them that are    wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own   sight

                Leaning upon our own understanding will         lead to trouble. Abraham leaned unto his own       understanding when he went down to Egypt    because of the famine. Joshua leaned unto his         own understanding when he attacked the little         down of Ai.

                I heard about a man who had a sick      mule. He asked his Uncle Joe, “Didn’t  you give    turpentine to your sick mule?” His uncle replied        that he did. 

                Later the man’s mule died, and he told   his    Uncle Joe that his mule had died when he     gave him the turpentine. Uncle Joe replied,     “Yep, it killed mine too.”

                Need to be careful upon whom you lean f       or direction.  Jeremiah 17:5 "Thus saith the    LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man,       and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD."

        B.     The direction faith takes

                “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” —        







                Once there was a carriage being    driven along the road. The mother sat on the    front seat and the maid, carrying for the spoiled      baby, on the back seat. The child began         screaming for something. The mother    impatiently said, “Why don’t you let him have       what he wants?”

                The nurse let him have it. What he was crying for was a wasp on the window. After the    child screamed loudly as he felt the terrible    sting of the wasp, the mother         called out again   to ask, “What is the matter with him now.”

                The maid quietly replied, ”He got what he       wanted.” How often have I seen this. It is so        much better to trust the Lord and let him give         the directions in and  for our life.

                The middle verse in the Bible is Psalm   118:9 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to      put confidence in princes."            This is        what the Jochabed did when she put Moses in       the Nile River, the very place Pharoah had      charged the people to cast their new-born sons.    Human reasoning would have suggested to     carry him as far away from the river as         possible.  However, Jochabed acted by faith on        the         directions God have her.

There is a person  whom  faith is asked to trust

II.     There is a PRACTICE which faith is asked to TEST

        “In all thy ways acknowledge him”

        Test what you should you do by acknowledging the Lord. Acknowledge the Lord in everything you do.  He is asking us to be committed to begin, continue, and end every work, purpose, and device, with God.

        A.     How inclusive this is practice          - “in all thy ways”

                Recreation, business, home, work, all- not merely some of your      ways

                Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in       word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord        Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

                Begin with Him, and end with Him;        pray for His direction and support, in all that ye do. 

                In all the actions and plans of life; whatever be your schemes, your desires, your doings, let it acknowledge Him.  The      acknowledgment of God  is to be in everything.         It extends to everything. If in so small matters        as eating and drinking we should seek to    recognize  God, assuredly we should in all other       things.

                This acknowledgment of God is designed to     be one of the chief directors of our lives. It is to guide all our conduct, and to constitute a test by which to try our actions. Whatever can be     done to advance the honour of God is right;    whatever cannot be done with that end is     wrong.

                 What a change would it make in the world     if this rule were everywhere followed!  How    differently would even professing Christians     live! How many of their plans would they be     constrained at once to abandon! And what a    mighty revolution would it at once make on     earth, should all the actions of men begin to be         performed to the recognition  of God!

        B.     How decisive is this practice

                Anywhere, anytime, any cost, He will be         acknowledge! It will take some firm   determination. It will take some resolve to      acknowledge Him in everything! Acknowledge      him in your

                1.     Appetites, attitudes, and actions

                2.     Blessings, burdens, and battles     

                3.     Company, conduct, and                                conversation

                4.     Dreams, disposition, and                               deportment

                5.     Time, treasure, and  talents,

                6.     Possessions, pleasures, and plans           (James 4:13-15)



There is a person  whom faith is asked to trust

There is a practice which  faith is asked to test

III.    There is a PATH which faith is asked to TRAVEl              

        “And he shall direct thy paths” It is the path of His direction and choosing. 

                A.      We must let  GOD CHOOSE THE        WAY!

                1.     There must be a full                          confidence in God.

               2.     There must be a faithful                           compliance to God.

        B.      WE MUST LET GOD CONFIRM THE      WAY 

                1.     God guides us by His HOLY                      SCRIPTURES     (Psalm 119:105)

                2.     God guides us through His HOLY             SPIRIT.

                        Acts 8:29 “Then the Spirit said                      unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to             this chariot.”

                        Acts 13:2 “As they ministered to           the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said,                 Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the          work whereunto I have called them.”

                        God will never guide contrary to            His written Word.  The Holy Spirit will                    never        contradict the Holy Scripture.


                “He will direct your paths” – has the idea        of clearing obstacles.

                “Direct” literally means to cut a path or to       clear the way.  For the person who faithfully      trust God and acknowledges Him in all of his    ways, God will bulldoze a path through the         wilderness. He will go before the trusting heart        to clear the pathway. He will run the       interference and do the down field blocking. 

                 No ifs or buts about it. He will direct your       paths. There will be Divine direction and      guidance.  “He shall direct thy paths” is a        promise that is predicated on your complete        trust of Him.


        Once there was an old man who was an excellent checker player. There was a young lad who boasted that he could whip the old man. One day the seasoned checker player man saw the young inexperienced  checker player and invited the young lad to play him. After several moves the young player began to jump some of the veteran man’s checkers. One by one the younger player removed the old experienced man's checkers. It looked to the young man that the game was soon to be his because he felt he had the old man in the corner. However, on  the very next move the seasoned player jumped all of the remaining checkers of the young lad and replied, “Crown me.”

        When questioned on the strategy of the veteran player in giving up so many checkers, the elderly man answered, “Son, never be concerned about giving up a few checkers when you can have a crown.”

        I don’t know what you make have to give up to trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him by crowning Him Lord , but you rest assured you will not  be a loser in the end.





Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church





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