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Re: Questions about MoonBridge Raid 3

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Stephen brown writes:

> Greetings.
> *SPOILER WARNING" If you are not an AM. you
> should't be reading this.

> If someone could aswer this question before Sat.
> night, that would be great.....
> I was reading over the material for MBR3 when a
> question popped into my head. Why does Arundel give
> the LR's a diamond? I know that he says it's to make
> the dragons chase them. How would the dragons know
> the LR's have a diamond?

Page 52. It seems to a ploy to be used in order to make the dragons
think that they were robbed. That way, they will not try to figure out
why the RaidTeam was in their castle. "Ha, ha. We robbed you! We
didn't tinker with your Money Love Potion, really, we didn't!"

Some of the LightRaiders could wave the stones at the dragon in order to
make it think it was robbed. Which, of course, is not something a
LightRaider would do, but I suppose that dragons would believe their own
propaganda and fall for the ruse.

> I know dragons can see the
> Armor, but do they have X-ray vision? I know that the
> cave troll has a possibility of finding out they have
> diamonds, but then he is killed.

No, dragons do not have x-ray vision. Wave the diamonds in clear sight
of the dragons, or for that matter, dark creatures at the castle.

> Even so, why would
> the LR's want dragons chasing them, when they could
> (potentially) make a clean getaway?

So that you can have the battle scene in the forest on page 56.

> I decided to skip this part. The dragon is alerted
> to their presence anyway when they try to escape, so I
> don't see the point of the diamond.


> Now, a general question: Can DCs recognize LR's?

No, not by just looking at them.

> Can talking animals? Sometimes in the adventures it
> seems like they can, sometimes not. I just roleplay
> them as not being able to recognize LR's.

But, talking animals always seem to come up to LightRaiders and give them
a message from the OverLord. So, they probably do when the OverLord
wants them to. So, use whatever works in the situation.
