RE: Random Encounter Chart
Quote from Forum Archives on April 28, 2005, 10:08 amPosted by: jrevesz <jrevesz@...>
Dan wrote:> In the city would it be plausible to run into a local
> priest/cleric etc? Obviously it would be more rare the farther
> you went into the wilderness, but still not out of the question.Sure. I thought of going through all of the Former Professions and adding them, but the chart would get 'way too big. So, a few specifics are fine.
Here is the chart so far:
Random Encounter Chart
City (d100)
(1-4) auction
(1-40) animal
(41-50) business
(51-60) food
(61-75) house
(76-100) slave
(5-8) beggar
(9-10 ) cleric
(11-12) dark creature
(13) dragon
(14-18) drunk(s)
(19-20) drunk driver (cart, wagon)
(21-22) execution
(23-27) festival
(28-29) fire
(30-35) herald
(36-44) laborer
(45-48) market
(49-50) medical emergency
(51-58) merchant
(59-65) minstrel
(66) monster
(67-68) politician / city official
(69-75) soldier
(76-79) street gang
(80-84) tax collector
(85-93) thief
(94) tournament
(95-97) weather change
(98-100) weddingCountryside (d100)
(1-2) cleric
(3-11) dark creature
(12-15) dragon
(16-17) drunk(s)
(18-19) drunk driver (cart, wagon)
(20) execution
(21-30) farmer
(31-32) festival
(33-35) fire
(36-37) gang
(38) herald
(39-45) laborer
(46-47) market
(48-52) medical emergency
(53-55) merchant
(56) minstrel
(57-60) monster
(61) politician / village official
(62- 65) soldier
(66) tax collector
(67-72) thief
(73-80) weather change
(100) weddingWilderness (d20)
(1-2) adventurer
(3) cleric
(4-5) dark creature
(6) dragon
(7) fire
(8) gang
(9) medical emergency
(10) merchant
(11) minstrel
(12-13) monster
(14) soldier
(15) thief
(16-20) weather change
Posted by: jrevesz <jrevesz@...>
> In the city would it be plausible to run into a local
> priest/cleric etc? Obviously it would be more rare the farther
> you went into the wilderness, but still not out of the question.
Sure. I thought of going through all of the Former Professions and adding them, but the chart would get 'way too big. So, a few specifics are fine.
Here is the chart so far:
Random Encounter Chart
City (d100)
(1-4) auction
(1-40) animal
(41-50) business
(51-60) food
(61-75) house
(76-100) slave
(5-8) beggar
(9-10 ) cleric
(11-12) dark creature
(13) dragon
(14-18) drunk(s)
(19-20) drunk driver (cart, wagon)
(21-22) execution
(23-27) festival
(28-29) fire
(30-35) herald
(36-44) laborer
(45-48) market
(49-50) medical emergency
(51-58) merchant
(59-65) minstrel
(66) monster
(67-68) politician / city official
(69-75) soldier
(76-79) street gang
(80-84) tax collector
(85-93) thief
(94) tournament
(95-97) weather change
(98-100) wedding
Countryside (d100)
(1-2) cleric
(3-11) dark creature
(12-15) dragon
(16-17) drunk(s)
(18-19) drunk driver (cart, wagon)
(20) execution
(21-30) farmer
(31-32) festival
(33-35) fire
(36-37) gang
(38) herald
(39-45) laborer
(46-47) market
(48-52) medical emergency
(53-55) merchant
(56) minstrel
(57-60) monster
(61) politician / village official
(62- 65) soldier
(66) tax collector
(67-72) thief
(73-80) weather change
(100) wedding
Wilderness (d20)
(1-2) adventurer
(3) cleric
(4-5) dark creature
(6) dragon
(7) fire
(8) gang
(9) medical emergency
(10) merchant
(11) minstrel
(12-13) monster
(14) soldier
(15) thief
(16-20) weather change