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RE: Re-Introduction

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Hi Stephen,


You should be happy to know that the current version of the working text does not have any spaceships.  I changed that some years ago.  The latest version has the dragons using torture and magic to pervert species on EdenAgain into the dark creatures.  Obviously that took may years and a lot of effort.


There is also a list of changes/additions to some of the adventures, but those will have to be made available as separate texts since we cannot at this time afford to toss all the old printed material and reprint the new.


Feel free to post your ideas here.




From: []
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [DragonRaid] Re-Introduction


    Thanks, Rich, for the re-introduction.  I didn't know your story, or all the history of your (and Joe's) involvement.  Praise God for your family's health!



In all this talk of rules modification, I am going to sound like a broken record and repeat what I said last year:  I think the rules are fine, but it's the writing needs improvement.  I say this not to cut anyone down who worked hard at the writing, but, hopefully, as an encouragement for improvement.  Just as the "monsters from space" angle really didn't fit with the history of Dark Creatures, I  think there are some elements of the over-all story, and individual stories, that don't fit well, or have gaps.  I don't mind the rules as they are, for the most part.  I've played more complicated RPGs, and simpler ones, too.

    Not that I have any leg to stand on in recommending these story improvements.  I confess that I have been lazy.  You see, years ago, when I ran a DR group (before it fizzled out due to lack of support from my church), I re-wrote portions of the LightRaider test so that it made better sense as a story.  I could have put my money where my mouth is and helped the DR effort by producing these notes.  But I originally hand-wrote my re-writes.  And I've been just too lazy to transcribe it onto a Word doc.


However, this back-and-forth had inspired me to get out of my chair and write up my notes.  I don't know if they will be any good;  no one had ever read them before except when I used them with a bunch of 12-year-olds.  I just want to contribute to the DR community.  If I can keep up the steam, maybe I can post them soon!


Joe, I want to add to Rich's comments:  Thank you for all your hard work.  I can guess that it seems like it is a unappreciated job.  Well, I tip my hat to you.


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