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Re: Resources that I never really am confident of

Posted by: rbrown <rbrown@...>

Tony Hansen wrote:
> I working in VB and FB.
> Am I missing something or is the whole idea of working with a resource
> file flawed. When I check the resource file with Resedit it says
> "The Resource File appears to be OK". I am marketing this product and
> I need more than appearances. On many occasions I have to go back to
> a backup of the resource file because of obvious problems. Other times
> subtle problems can only be solved by going back to a backup of
> the resources. I am never really sure if it is OK. I don't know if
> some small irregularity in the resources has propagated itself down
> through by backups for the last year? I am getting paranoid and have
> a folder with probably a hundred backups. What am I doing wrong.
> I hate this uncertainty. VB has its disadvantages but I am never
> uncertain like this.

I would not characterize the whole idea of working with a resource file
as "flawed," but it is certainly possible (through inappropriate
programming) to put unintended things into them, the same as with any
kind of file. You haven't said exactly what kinds of problems you're
experiencing, nor what techniques you're using to try to alter the
resources (assuming that _is_ what you're trying to do). Give us a
little more detail and we may be able to help you through this--it could
well turn out to be something simple.

- Rick