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Re: Silence is ending

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...> writes:

>Silence has been occupying this space for far too long. Fortunately
that will change tomorrow. Some of the teens in my church (my son
included) want to play DragonRaid. So, will much crammy tonight and
tomorrow morning, we will start a new group and build characters tomorrow
afternoon. I hope that this group will grown into a 2x a month group.
The core are students who have a deep love already for great things
fantasy/sci-fi. So hopefully as the days and weeks unfold, there will be
stories and adventures to share...

Hey Dan,

Just so happens that I plan on being in Lancaster on Friday, February
29th through Sunday, March 2nd for a game convention. Maybe we can put
together something together for your group on that Saturday. Then I can
see you preach on Sunday 😉
