Re: Software Piracy [X-FB]
Quote from Forum Archives on December 10, 1997, 6:35 pmPosted by: mlincoln <mlincoln@...>
Chris wrote:
> As a perhaps uplifting thought we should remember that _every_
> generation has believes the generation following it is going to bring the
> world to its ruin.That is certainly true; the nasty traits attributed to the so-called
"Generation X" is almost exactly what was said about the yuppies of the
Eighties as well as the hippies of my day. Further (and quick)
investigation reveals that these things were also said about the "Beat"
generation. Considering what has become of the civilization that those
groups, and others, have shaped, I'm not terribly worried about it all
going completely to hell anytime soon.Remember, too, that the "news" you hear is generally bad; software
pirates, hackers with malicious intent, and the like get the "ink"
because that's what sells newspapers, magazines, and newscast ad time.
The good side of society is the quiet side.Mark Lincoln
P.S. A somewhat-related thought: One's "Golden Age" of anything tends to
have occurred about the time that one was roughly 16 to 25 years old.
Think about it.
Posted by: mlincoln <mlincoln@...>
> As a perhaps uplifting thought we should remember that _every_
> generation has believes the generation following it is going to bring the
> world to its ruin.
That is certainly true; the nasty traits attributed to the so-called
"Generation X" is almost exactly what was said about the yuppies of the
Eighties as well as the hippies of my day. Further (and quick)
investigation reveals that these things were also said about the "Beat"
generation. Considering what has become of the civilization that those
groups, and others, have shaped, I'm not terribly worried about it all
going completely to hell anytime soon.
Remember, too, that the "news" you hear is generally bad; software
pirates, hackers with malicious intent, and the like get the "ink"
because that's what sells newspapers, magazines, and newscast ad time.
The good side of society is the quiet side.
Mark Lincoln
P.S. A somewhat-related thought: One's "Golden Age" of anything tends to
have occurred about the time that one was roughly 16 to 25 years old.
Think about it.