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Re: STAZ - something to consider.

Posted by: Bowerbird <Bowerbird@...>

tedd said, about my comments:
> > think different.
> > think futurebasic.
> >
> > -bowerbird

> Bowerbird said something brilliant!

hey, tedd, try not to sound so surprised. ;+)

actually, i'll say something else that's brilliant,
just to show you it weren't no fluke:

people were suggesting a usenet newsgroup for futurebasic
as a way of turning new people on to our favorite compiler.
i'm in favor of that, as long as it doesn't cannibalize this list.

but here's an additional idea to help spread the word:
i suggest we pool our resources and create a new application
and make it available as freeware or cheapware.

we'd need to discuss exactly what our program would do,
but if we create an app that's useful to just about any user
i think that would be a great way to raise f.b. consciousness.
(and we could give the source to f.b. owners as an incentive.)

anybody up for the programming equivalent of a barn-raising?
