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Re: the alignment of the planets...

Posted by: format <format@...>

>fellow futurebasic fans-
>let me be one of the first to say that
>there's enough money in my pocket
>for _both_ stazsoftware _and_ mars saxman.

Should I take this to mean that part of what we are hearing about (FB^3
Fear and loathing) is in fact related to mars saxman's kenobi(object
basic) ?

By the way, mars has been might quiet.
Does anyne know if he's all well and Ok?

Or have staz'n'andy locked him into a log cabin somewhere
working in the FB^3 salt mine?


' format utile - studio de graphisme/graphic design studio '
' mail: 16, rue Baudin, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France '
' phone: +33 1 47 15 26 15 - fax: +33 1 47 59 95 06 '