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Re : the magic cure.. (X-FB)

Posted by: YATESP <YATESP@...>

This may or may not be of help ...

I have three Macs. A 7600/166 at home, and a Powerbook 3400/240 and PPC 8100/
100 in the Office. The latter two connect into the company LAN/WAN and the
former by Geoport into my Internet provider.

I upgraded all three machines the MacOS 8, and all seemed well. I can use the
internet at home, and use Netscape both as a Web browser and EMailer.

But at work, I tried using (the latest version of) Netscape on the LAN (same
proxy address as for 7.6.1) on both machines. And both machines crashed. In
fact they disn't crash, but just hung when Netscape started to boot. I tried
everything to fix it, and then some. I even went back to 7.6.1 on both
machines, when they worked perfectly.

Then I replaced Netscape with Explorer under 8.0.

And everything works fine.

There's obviously something about Netscape, our LAN, and MacOS 8.0 that is
causing the problem, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to work
out what it is. So, much as it pains me, I'll have to use Explorer for Web
access on our LAN.

But this is probably nothing to do with your problem at all ...


Phil Yates