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Re: [TRAVEL + GETTING TOGETHER] There and back again (long)

Posted by: steve <steve@...>

>>>So Rod and Jamie: next time! I get back to New England once or twice a
Steve, great to see you again, and Wulf and Benjamin: great to meet you at

...I wonder if this'll get through - my first post to the new style

Bob - fantastic to see you too (and to meet Ben, and always nice to see
Wulf... :o) - see you at NAMM, all being well...

I've been really busy of late working on stuff relating to my new album, so
haven't had much of a chance to read the list. That coupled with not having
any idea how to read it coherently - I think there was some discussion about
this a while ago, so if someone can e-me off list and lemme know what the
consensus was on easy ways to read this stuff, it'd be very helpful.

A quick thanks to everyone who's bought my new CD so far - feel free to post
reviews in my all singing all dancing new guestbook/forum at :o)

(oh, and Norm - really sorry not to see you in Holland at Bass Day - bit of
a major mess up on the Ashdown/booking front... grrrrrrrr)

God Bless
