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RE: URGENT prayer

Posted by: docsheri <docsheri@...>

Oh..............Marci............ You are right, though, whatever happens
he is healed...He may stay or he will go home to Jesus, our Brother, who
loves him deeply....and waits for his return to our Heavenly Father's side.
He wins either way, doesn't he....

He may not have finished his mission here on Earth yet.......Which may be to
unite people, as these prayers will do.

With love and courage to you and to his immediate family,

Sherri......Missouri...the 'doc'

~ Dear Friends and Family,

Many of you have prayed for my cousin. Some of you do not know the
circumstances. My cousin Tim, is one of the oldest living people with
cystic fibrosis (sp?) He is 43 or 44. His quality of life has really
declined in this last year. He is on full time oxygen and still not able to
do lots of things. He is a Christian and loves the Lord. My Uncle and Aunt
lost their oldest (and only other son) son to this disease. They have 2
daughters as well. Tim has been waiting for a double lung transplant. The
call came today. He is having the transplant today if everything matches.
It was to start at 7AM LA time. Please pray for this family. This is all
or nothing. If for whatever reason it does not work, he is totally healed
and gone home to be with Jesus. If it works, he has a difficult and long
road to travel. I would appreciate your prayers for him and his family.
God bless.

Only by His merciful grace,