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Re: Valerian in children

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Greetings once again !

For my boys, I gave them one- two capsules in the morning and took it from there when they were small.
If in the afternoon they were rather testy, I would give them another. I have not noticed sleepiness in them
from the valerian. ADHD
children seem to respond differently to meds or herbs than others. Caffine is a good example. It makes
most people hyper and ADHD children and adults find it works to calm them.
Here is some information :
"Valerian root and/or its major constituents, the valepotriates, have marked seditive, anticonvulsive, hypotensive,
tranquilizing, neurotropic, and anti-aggressive properties. The effects result from a selective neurotropic
action of the root of higher brain centers, as shown in EEG monoitrings of brain waves. Many forms of
restlessness and tension also yeild to the effects of valerian root.
Interestingly, in Germany, Valerian preparations
have been used for about 10 years ( as of 1986) to treat childhood behavioral disorders.*
Unlike other medications
for hyperactivity, Valerian root has no side effects, even at rather high doses (new information re: pre-operattive
procedures since this writing) In fact, in these children, the preparation enhanced motor coordination and
maintained reaction time, while calming anxiety and fears, curing restlessness and curbing aggression."

* Klich, R. "verhaltensstoerungen im kindersalter und deren therapie" (behavioral disorders of childhood and thier treatment) Medizinische Welt, 26 (25) 1251-1254, 1975

This information taken from the book "The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine"

One thing I want to add regarding my own dealings with my sons. I had to force myself not to be weakend into giving
in to them. because I was worn out, stressed, or just plain weary of the battles.
These kids know all the areas we are weak in. We need the whole armour of God on at all times for
patience alone Being consitant makes such a huge difference.
Saying no means NO, no matter how hard they whine, fuss, kick their feet or just ask you a thousand times.
Prayer made all the difference in my strength to deal with this aspect. It's paid off.

Praying for you to find the right answers for you.