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Re: X-FB: Battery Info

Posted by: t88 <t88@...>

>>One word of caution: if you're going to replace the battery yourself,
>>make darn sure to put the new battery in the same direction (polarity) as
>>the'll regret it if you don't...

Don't forget to ZAP the PRAM too. You can hit the reset button on the
motherboard (easiest), or do the Command-Option-P-R on startup until it
restarts. Supposed to do this whenever you change the battery or add/remove
an internal drive/card etc.

You will then need to reset your general controls panel, mouse and colors
panel, maybe a couple of others too when you are up and running again.

Robert Covington

>For all you "soon to need a battery" folks (and Victor), here's a bit of
>info I dug up for some clients:
>URL for Macintosh Logic Board Battery Info:
>There are 2 types of batteries in common use, one is the 3.6 volt, 850
>mAh "1/2 AA" size Lithium battery, used in most systems since the compact
>Mac days, the other is a rectangular 4.5v Alkaline battery held to the
>logic board with velcro (used on the Tanzania motherboard and others).
>Here are some common part numbers for the 3.6v Lithium battery:
>Radio Shack 23-026
>Tadiran TL 5101
>Maxell ER3S
>Sonnenshein SL-150
>The only part number I've got for the 4.5v battery is: Rayovac 840. There
>are probably other equivalent batteries for this as well...
>I have found these at Radio Shack, MicroCenter and other places. Some
>CompUSA and Computer City stores don't have them on the racks, but you
>can ask for them at the Service Desk.
>One word of caution: if you're going to replace the battery yourself,
>make darn sure to put the new battery in the same direction (polarity) as
>the'll regret it if you don't...
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