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RE: Yeast Infections

Posted by: H2OBIRTH2X <H2OBIRTH2X@...>

Another effective and fast way to cure a vaginal yeast infection is to fill
gelcaps w/ Boric Acid Powder. Make sure it's this form of Boric Acid, as
other forms could be harmful. Insert one, 2x a day for 3 days.

The acidopholus douche is good, as is garlic. Yeast cannot live in a garlic
environment. Garlic is known as the "Russian Penicillin". Not much can live
in it's path. So, consume more in foods and douche w/ it. Kyolic garlic in
liquid form can be used for the douching.

Also, a garlic clove inserted works and for sure the plain yogurt works too.
Can apply w/ tampon.

Good luck.

Cheri in AZ